Priyanka profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey! My name is Priyanka. I'm the vocalist/shouter of the band Ripped Apart. I like to sing, to write lyrics, listening to music, to draw, to read, to eat and to sleep ;) I'm also intrested in hinduism philosophy, in yoga and meditation :D

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Ripped Apart- Security (live)Ripped Apart- Beauty Of Life (live)


Emocore Hardcore Rock Pop RnB


Matrix, Constantine, Queen Of The Damned, A Beautiful Mind, Fight Club, Butterfly Effect, Wächter der Nacht, Animes(Filme): Prinzessin Mononoke, Chihiros Reise


Lost, OC California, Desperate Housewives, Gray's Anatomy


Interview mit einem Vampir,Autobiographie eines Yogis, Harry Potter; Esoterische Bücher; mangaas!


My dad! My mom! Michael (you've shown me that life is not as fucking bad as i always thaught)! Josef Götzl (my guitarteacher)! Thilo and Micheal (my aikido teachers in former times)! Jochen (my master in yoga and meditation)! and all my friends, who inspired me! I thank you so much!!