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I' matured
Naturally, like a breeze
That developed into a strong wind,
And then again,
Into a storm.
Gracefully, like a vision
That developed into an dream,
And then again,
Into inspiration.
Gradually, like a newborn
That developed into a child,
And then after a while,
Into an adult.
With perseverance, humility, and buoyancy,
With experience, devotion, and authority.
Even when times of uncertainty appear,
I've gained the essentials in life that have
taught me to stride forward and conquer any new fear.
I' matured
Naturally, like a breeze
That developed into a strong wind,
And then again,
Into a storm.
Gracefully, like a vision
That developed into an dream,
And then again,
Into inspiration.
Gradually, like a newborn
That developed into a child,
And then after a while,
Into an adult.
With perseverance, humility, and buoyancy,
With experience, devotion, and authority.
Even when times of uncertainty appear,
I've gained the essentials in life that have
taught me to stride forward and conquer any new fear.Why are you looking down? Eyes up chin down for the Lord made you to be the head and not the tail, always on tops and never on bottom. Like Joseph you're been through many trials but God about to bring you into His Favor and He's calling you for he wants to give you wisdom, honor and riches like Solomon and make you a King like David for he knows you're a man after His own heart and he want to heal your broken and contrite heart, for a broken and contrite heart the Lord doesn't despise.
The Lord calls you His "Beloved" like he did John the disciple and like Peter the Lord wants you to TRUST HIM and start walking on water. Like Moses, the Lord wants to "show you His glory" and your nature is the same of Elijah therefore your prayers are also very powerful. You're seated with Christ in heavenly places far above principalities and powers’. He's waiting for you to call on His name for he wants you to come into His Secret Place. He wants to walk with you like he did Enoch and take you in a mighty whirlwind and give your His power to outrun chariots.
Call on Him.
'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
' Jeremiah 33:3