Raquel, Tobacco pipes (briar, meerschaum, hookah), Music, Graphic Design, carving, writing, acting.
Anybody who shares the same outlook on life, and those who share the same interests I do, who enrich my life as much as I hope that I enrich theirs.
I'll listen to anything. Greatest rock band ever is The Who. 'Nuff said.
I'm a huge Movie buff: Donnie Darko, Master and Commander, Equilibrium, 1984(book was better), all of the Cube movies, Jacob's Ladder, Excorcist, Office Space, As Good as it Gets, Boondock Saints, Saving Grace (came out in 2000), Constantine, Lord of the Rings trilogy (my favourite rendition of a book, even though not entirely accurate, and botched in some areas), Lord of the Rings cartoon (no, not the hobbit. Look it up, folks. It's out there), so many more. Once again, talk to me. I'll answer.
Two words. South Park.
I love literature, for the most part. Currently (RE)reading Dante's Inferno and the Divine Comedy.
Raquel, Pipe man, thanks to Parker. Overly Excited Englishman (also, Parker, thank you.) Ambiguously Gay Duo.