rock-climbing, wakeboarding, tennis, dancing, singing, shopping, sleeping, eating, clubbing party parrtyy...
Some real friends who will value friendship, be there when i need them and blah blah, hang-out whenever we get the chance to. Drink and PaRRTYY!!!
bossa nova, light jazz, hip-hop and r&B, (and the list just goes on...)
greAt ExpectaTions, mid-summer's night dream? ? Sex and lucia, KiLL BILL
sEx n the CiTy, DarK Angel, Charmed (All Girlie Sitcoms.)
some literature crap book frm DH Lawrence "WOmen in LoVe".. and A BooK CaLLEd "Prozac Nation"
JohNNy Depp, Brad Pitt and AnDy LaU.. Gosh, they are so cute!!