When I'm with somebody, all I think bout is you, When I'm all alone, that's all I wanna do
i want to Know what you doing, where you at, or can I see you later?
bestfriends do the stupidest shit together.
My Name is Carissa. My Birthday is Feb. 26 ;] its really easy to get a smile on my face. When you frist meet me im shy, but when i hangout with you a few times.. i get more comfortable. i miss virginia beach [alot]. i moved to flordia and its definitely nothing like va beach. i like to keep things to myself, but if i keep somthing to myself for along time ill have to tell someone. i l o v e the beach. i hate when people lie, so i try really hard not to. i do believe the saying... You want what you cant have, its true. My music explains how i feel, its werid i know. i dont really like Myspace but im on almost everyday. You should get to know me before you judge me. i care more about other people then i do myself. well, my time has come to an end.. i do have a screen name xoitscrissyox peace.