Interesting things and long walks on the beach.
Hugh Laurie, Dwight Schrute, Zeus, Ethan Thomas, The Gimp from "Doomsday", Keith Moon, David Gilmour, Earl Hickey, Barney Stinson
Classic Rock. I'm starting to branch out a little, but you gotta know your roots.
Shawshank Redemption, Doomsday, Se7en, Saving Private Ryan, Team America: World Police, The Rock, Die Hard, Secondhand Lions, Billy Madison, Big Daddy, Happy Gilmour, Superbad
House, South Park, How I Met Your Mother, My Name Is Earl, MadTV
Redwall (laugh it up, assholes), Ender's Game, Eragon, Monster Blood Tattoo, anything else that tickles my fancy
If you're not in this section, then you clearly phail at life, or I don't know you well enough and you should request to be awesome enough to be one of my heroes. I'll send you an application.
This is Cody. He's been my best friend since elementary school, and I can't remember a time where we didn't play Guitar Hero together. We've been through a lot together, honestly. We do a bunch of random, crazy shit together and film it and our weekends usually consist of Best Buy and the mall. Or filming something stupid to later put on YouTube because we like to whore ourselves out to the public. I can't imagine a better Guitar Hero partner than this guy right here. We went from the bottom to the top together, from Medium to Hard, to borrowing someone else's PS2 and GH2 so we could stay up all night practicing the Orange button. IDK MY BFF CODY?!?!?!?
This is Nick. He's big pimpin' mah boi. But srsly, we've only known each other for a year, but it seems longer than that. We do a bunch of crazy shit together and we share the same philosophy on buying a bunch of stupid, useless objects that most people wouldn't give two shits about. We've made movies together, harassed teachers together, sacked together, freestyled together, teabagged random people together. Hell, we're even learning to C-Walk together. We've had some badass times, most of which involve stupid, spur-of-the-moment things. And with that being said... YOUTUBEGABBERCAPTAINCRUNCHJAMESNUTSPIZZAGOOGLEKROGERS!
This is Ryan. I've known him since the 9th grade, I believe. We met over Xbox Live, and we talk on the phone almost every day. A lot of people criticize me about it, but honestly, fuck them. Other people who have actually talked to Ryan understand how me and him get along so well. We make up random stories together and we like to make movies on Xbox Live. Hopefully that can continue with the release of Halo 3. I talk to him about basically everything and ask for his advice on basically everything. I hope we meet someday, because we have a theory that we're twins seperated at birth.
Haggis. There really isn't much to say that people don't already know, haha. We do some dumb shit together, and we've gotten closer this senior year. I took him to get his tattoo, we got into a strip club together, I went with him to buy bondage porn mags... We also dressed up together for the pep rally! He lets me ride his stomach sometimes, which is really weird and awkward, but it saves energy.
This is Caleb. Or Shaggy. Or Faggy. Whichever. We've had a rough past, but in the past two years, we've gotten a helluva lot closer. Probably due to the fact we're in tech theater together. We have a lot of the same inside jokes, and he usually suffers at the hands of Morrissey's ball punch right by my side. I used to train him to be a Jedi by riding him down the hall, but one day he tripped and we both injured ourselves. We're also going to camp out for Halo 3 together! Oh, and we made the transformation to British Gentleman together. Epic win!
This is Trey. He's basically my only black friend. He does a good Ray Charles impression, and he makes work fun. His sense of humor is crazy and it's one of those where you have to be smart to understand it, so when I get it, I feel smart. He lets me listen to his ZenStone at work, too, which helps pass the time by. He has a pretty badass little brother who also happens to be a Wookie Sasquatch.
This is Munn. He's half-retarded and dyslexic. He almost ratted me out to the cops once, and the only reason he didn't was because he didn't know my last name. He's kind of annoying, and he walks really funny. The only reason I put him on this list is because I laugh every time I see this picture.
This is Kratos. He's badass, and is a fallen god. 'Nuff said.
This is Jazi. I cling to her at work, stalk her, rape her, and she probably hates me, but I don't care. Because if she expresses it, I beat the hate out of her. Or her into submission. Whichever one comes first. Her name looks like Nazi.
This is Mallory. She's my BFF4L. We work together and harass kids together, but I don't harass her like I do with Jazi. I tried, but it's harder with Mallory. She also has a lot of freckles, and this paragraph jumps around and makes very unrelated points.