"Got these boots made for rockin', kickin' ass and steppin' over lines!"
Hi duuuds ´n grrrrrlz! You have finally reached me! Music is my life! I am devoted to it and at same it's has me on its grip. I Sing, play guitar and bass but mostly I prefer to compose and write lyrics. I do tons of songs a year but unfortunetaly I only get to release few of em. My dream job eventually, I guess would be bringing out the best in other peoples songs. And heck, why not in people generally. My personality is open minded and playful altough I am aware of my gloomyness and depth. When you learn to see in dark you see more. This ship has serioulsy took some nasty hits in the bow. I love people and I'd like to think my self somewhat aware of human nature. Atleast im curious. My favourite moments are rocking in stage with best friends or long walks with a a songbook or a guitar. I go to tons of parties, me and my friends we party all of the time! I am a romantic person but I don´t live in predigested dreams. ... guess I´m doing alright in myspace since that Tom dude´s my friend :D My life is mostly about trying to make fun of everyday. I´m in to sarcastic and black humor altough I´m don't like real malicious pleasure. I guess the only things I hate at the moment is disillusion of money, shitty finnish copy bands and mean people.
I´m playin in some alternative dark wave acts like like Rapture, Rain Paint & FragileHollow. THIS IS MY CORNER!!! ;) I´m constantly looking to rock out and interesting projects so if you think I could be interested, send me a note.
Zero Cola! The king of all colas! It even survives freezing!
Natural Upcider. Fuck, I must have drunk 1000 of em last summer. :D
Cold Sweat - Finnish Conac with lemon icetea. This is awesome!!!
It´s actually our own drink with our rock band! COLD SWEAT
Jagermeister with cola. This is what you need to get really
drunk! I usually drink a glass/swig. No one left to verify, and I remember nothing
Russian Vodka I learn to drink this raw by eating pickles with
it. Or tomatojuice afterwards. (Thanks dudes!)
GIN with GIN-longdrink, only the real thing will do. Altough there´s
a new good longdrink in the market, that we got to test cuz of our sponsor deal.
Karhu & Sundels beer. Heineken and Warsteiner is ok too.
I think I´m gonna move to Budweiser, cuz that´s ,, cool! In red
& black square way, ha ha ;)
Play Finnish chocolademix. Goes with Jag too...
Hot chocolade I like it a lot, I drink about a mug a day.
Coffee it´s utter paradise sometimes. I´m addicted
so if I drink one, I have to have more. I get rid of the habit and now I only
drink so rare it´s even better that way!
Milk it´s milk
Meat in Dill-sauce It´s just great. I cant explain. With potatoes
and lingonberry-jam. I´ll lick your plate aswell.
HK Blue sausage, works hot with mustard, cold with ketchup,
that I put in everything.
Forssan letkut & potatoesalad with mead Enough said. Good
"May Day" treat!
Pasta with cream-hamsauce. Fast, easy, Delicious.
Mexican Tacos and tortillas just love ´em. I once had
the pleasure of eating fully homemade dish. Thanks U, M & M!
Riia´s Chicken-Shit with Rice, Secret recipe! It´s
fucking awesome and I can´t stop untill it´s all gone! Amazing!
Smiley´s potatoes while making "Songs for the withering"
album we found these cute potatoes that smiled and thought of sending em to
Jonas Renkse :D, anyways, we made some with ham and Guacamole. It´s part
of a xmass tradition we have with few friends. We´re called YY(together
as friends). *
Coalfish with Rice a dear "friend" of mine makes it
well. It´s unbelievable actually.
Vatruska : A meatpie made without any grease but potatoes. Tricky!
Soups : We have this thing going on with Darth Vader, sometimes he
comes up to the house and we make some food. We always make Sausagesoup with
him. I think it releaxes him. Maybe it´s the only thing he can digest...
let´s not get to this area. Another great is Chicken soup, "Saarioinen"
makes the best. Lentil-coconut-tomatoe soup, Last but not least carrot,onion,potatoe
Pizza is great but it´s serious matter. Lot´s of
Ham, Bluecheese & Pineapples. Got it?
Subways Homemade and the real thing.
Salads: In Finland I can recommend Iguana for chicken and taco
salads. Home made feta, tomato, onion with black pepper is my choise.
Kebab: Best kebab in Helsinki is just around the corner : Kebab
OTHER INTERESTS: Girls, booze, parties.
LOVE: Friendly people, calmness, closeness, understanding.
HATE: War, poser bands, ignorant and mean people, racism, old
boss, government, school-system as it is, fake people.
BEST OWN GIG: Rapture in nosturi 2003
BEST SEEN GIG: Anathema in ilosaari 2000, Anathema in tavastia
LIFE STYLE: Get drunk, Get laid, Get lost!
I SAY : "Nice", "When i was younger I was fighting
with authoriteis", "Moi siellä :)", "Ai Jai Jai","Kyllä nyt kelpaa",
"Suattanna","Cigarettes, no regrets". "Tytöt tykkää", "Oikein",
"Hyvä siellä", "Se kannattaa elämässä","ViinaSaunaKaljaMakkara",
"Hieno Päivä", "Jumalaista Röökii", "Saatanallist körssii",
"Pitäskö puhaltaa", "Selkähiessä", "Näi voi käydä
joskus", "Ei aina voi", "ai vittu", "ettei mitää järkee","let´s
do it", "lets have it done","it shall be done", "... väärät
- The man
- Mother,, there is no other
- Do People really think Finnish are like this?
- We Are Like This!
BEST ALBUMS YEAR 2007 (so far):
TYPE O NEGATIVE - Dead again
PMMP - Leskiäidin tyttäret
MANOWAR - Gods of war
HIM - Venus Doom
GOREFEST - Rise to Ruin
RIHANNA - Good Girl Gone Bad
KEANE - Under The Iron Sea
BOB DYLAN - Modern times
MAJ KARMA - Ukkonen
MY DYING BRIDE - A Line Of Deathless Kings
OPETH - Ghost reveries
MEW - Kites
U2 - How to dismantle an atomic bomb
OPETH - Ghost Reveries
GOREFEST - La Muerte
JUDAS PRIEST - Angel of Retribution
- Kakshaarainen, miksei se ole ykshaarainen? Eli siis kaks haaraisessa on kaksi
jalkaa tai vaikka karvaa... ja haara sinänsä tarkoittaa vaan sitä
toista :S. No mites sitten kun tullaan tienhaaraan? - Irroittaa on oikeesti
irrottaa - Olen päälikkö takulla.
- Siskonmakkara.. vittu nehän on pullia?!?
- Ihmiset luulee että päälikössä on 2 kappaletta l-
- Kummat helkkäilee, kulkuset vai kulkuuset?
- Miksei airot oo soutimet?
- Jättis on Ingmannin tuote.
- Kolin ukko.
- Saarioisen kanakeitto on parempaa ku kotitekoinen.
- Kokis maistuu joskus enemmän ku bisse.
- Telkkarissa sanottiin että ylipainosta peritään jatkossa lisämaksu.
- Kaupassa myytiin pashaa :D
- Kalapuikot ei lämpii foliossa
- Kertalämmitteinen sauna
- R-kioskin Pepe jädessä oliki tuutin alaosas suklaata eikä lakuu
- Mykevää ei kuulemma ole, kaikkihan tietää että mykevä
on puoli kuun ja täyskuun välissä
- Se viimeinen ozzyn kanssa duunattu lätty