Activities that include but do not limit the imagination of what can possibly be done outdoors or indoors for fun. Such as, going out for coffee, walks, talks, laughs, taking baths or showers, as applicable...Working sweat. Eating steamed veggi's and fruits of such that are of organic construction. Evaluating the trends and differences between, similarities, and such of synthetic chemicals
deliberately added to foods, and the overall removal of such as advertised on common products. ENDOCRINE DISRUPTOR CHEMICALS THAT MIMIC OR PREVENT HORMONE FUNCTIONS AS RECEIVED BY E.A.T Estrogen, Androgen, THYROID receptors (see EDKB)
Identifying common profiles of persons affected by such and reccomendation of the correction of such conditions.
Migrating from city to township according to the fresh air. Dancing and jive-ing topically at localized clubs with peeps (not the kind from your easter basket). I LOVE HALLOWEEN, it is my FAVORITE TIME OF THE YEAR. Going to Orchards, picking pumpkins on hay rides in the north and western territories. Haning out at home with my black cat.
Waiting for the wicked witch of the west to come rescue me from the center of the bermuda triangle in the middle of the sand storm with a very large magnet and some rope.
Actually, I have already met everyone that I could possibly ever meet. Please refer back to page 4 of the reference manaual.
Mixing music, and making it too.
Got an old VCR...and a couch ;p
Are you in-tune? "Push the button, don't push the button... Flip the station, change the channel!"-Madonna
Those that are of hard and soft cover, like the making of your taco bell shell.