I have but ONE goal in life, to build the church that has been started in my home. There is "NO OTHER GOAL and NO OTHER WAY" for me to live and I will rise to the occasion. Care to join me? You will have to be strong or this ministry will buckle you.
People who have been told they are not christains. If you have been told that you are not a christain because you do not meet the typical attributes of what they define a christain to be, come to my church, don't be mad at them, be thankful, at my church you will be welcome and you will be allowed to be yourself. And I would like to add, if you are in the Ringgold, Fort O area of North GA, you can hear our little radio program called, "IF we would!" IF = Inclusion Fellowships 94.7 FM Low Power Radio Coming soon www.inclusionfellowships.com
I like to hear my friend Marvin worship God with his playing. (piano) He is a powerful servant of God
The Gospel, Luther, and Tyler Perry's work. All of his work!
You know I almost don't watch TV anymore! It takes up my time!
Jesus, the Son of God. My brother, Paul V. Burress Sr. My ex-wife Lisa M. Spurgin, and my children Nannie and Baby Man. All of the saints of The Epic Church