My name is Benjamin John Henry Bennett. Im currently attending Lambton College, for my third and last year of FireFighting. Its my dream to work as a full time FireFighter. I am a very outgoing person, and always have a smile on my face, or laughing. I love my family and friends, and just want to enjoy my life to the fulliest. I am a very opionated person, but always willing to change my point of view as I learn, and experiance more. I feel I know a little about anything and everything, then talking about it, and debating it. I hate typeing about me, cause it does no justice for who I really am. I rather hangout you with, and tell you about me. I enjoy helping people out, I volunteer as much as I can, and always trying to better myself. I was going to write more, but then I decided "fuck it" if you want to know me, ask me....I enjoy talking to everyone, and always have something interisting to say, dont be afraid to ask.....lates
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