reading, sports, car, music, chatting, TAZMANIA Stuff etc..
more buddies... esp. who crazy 'bout TAZMANIA DEVIL too! Like Me!! Hahahaha... tapi tersangat lerrrr nak jumper Ming Dao n 183 Club!! kahkahkah...yelah..kebanyakan org yg gua nak jumper..dah dpt jumper e.g : Jericho Rosales..Kristine Hermosa..Diether Ocampo!..Dennis Joseph O'Neil!!
modern rock..slow rock... R&B... Dance music...Amy Mastura, Spider, Simple Plan, Linkin Park, Kelly Clarkson, 183 Club, 5566, Ello, Element, Delon, Ungu, Marc Anthony, Westlife, Alleycat, Christian Bautista, Erik Santos, Ungu, Titi DJ, ADA Band, Andre Hehanusa, Jojo, Ruth Sahanaya, Rossa, etc...
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Initial D, 303, Trauma, Star wars Trilogy, Top Gun, Pearl Harbour, Taegukgi, The Fast n Furious Tokyo Drift, Baik Punya Cilok, Typhoon, Arang, etc...
Monster Garage, Supernatural, X Files, CSI's, cartoonetwork, Pimp My Ride, Sweet Spy, King Of Adventure, etcFave actor/actree : 183 Club (esp Ming Dao/Shao Wei), Edison Chen, Meg Ryan, Amy Mastura, Nasha Aziz, Apek, Afdlin Shauki, Louis Khoo, Jericho Rosales, Kristine Hermosa, John Lyord Cruz, Bea ALonzo, Diether Ocampo, Claudine Barretto, Angelika Dela Cruz, Bi Rain, Winona Ryder, Orlando Bloom, Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Lee Dong Wook, Won Bin, Chea rim, Jang Dong Gun, Dian Sastrowardoyo, Aaron Aziz, Dennis Joseph O'Neil, Nam Sang Min..
Semua hasil karya Ramlee Awang Murshid, Hamka, Khalil Gibran,Paolo Coelho n Sharifah Abu Salem...