My Name is Justin Jokoyal Reese. I'm a singer, writer, poet, computer technician, author in progress, photographer, and a very hard worker. Those are some of the make ups of me. I am a believer in God and a embassodor for Christ. I'm very wise for my age (so I've been told). Happy about the future for my life. I don't keep alot of people in my circle. Maybe 1 or 2. I know who I am and whose I am. I love my family unconditionally. I love my associates and acquaintances dearly aswell. I appreciate the many people in my life for whatever reason. I know that we are in each others lives for a reason, season, and or a lifetime. Pain has taught me such a reality (lessons) to respect the three and apply it as neccessary. I have a marketing business and I'm pursuing alot of other avenues to lead to my earthly weatlh. Getting a little deeper into knowing me...I've experienced some dark days and pains that seemed to be unbearable. But they were bearable. I know that I'm no greater or less than anyone else. I love people for who they are no matter the circumstance or situation they may have been in or are presently in. I know that me moving to (North) Atlanta was a blessing and a test. It's been so hard, but worth it. I've met some wonderful people and some not so wonderful people. But it comes with the territory. Same cinero different people. I've learned that when you respect yourself honorably others will have no other choice but to respect your self respect. Another big life lesson I learned was that when people want to leave you let them leave..."LET THEM GO"... I've learned that you can't be happy trying to make others miserable. And that misery loves company. I've learned that love is a gift and to love is a choice. To hate is a choice. People will simply love you or not love you (it's life and will always be). I've learned that in this life you better watch your back, because everyone who says they are for you are not. I've learned that people will hurt you and leave you to die and go on with their lives as if they've done nothing to you. I've seen that pain is not a stranger to anyone and visits us all in many ways. And that if you sow something you will reap it. I've seen the cost of lying to love ones. And the horror of the actions of a broken heart. But throughout all of that I've learned. And I'm still learning and growing because I'm making a choice to grow wiser and not bitter. I know now that I'm writing my story and I'm in control. I know now that all you need in this life is the person you see when the mirror looks at you. I know now that you can endure it if you're in it, because God will never give you more than you can bear. I know now that it costs a mighty price in this life to get to where you want to go. And that everyone experiences the same emotions and pains. You just have to stand for what you believe in live in your gift of self love and self respect even if it means standing alone. You are worth it and it will work for you if you only believe it.