+aLiCe Iz yAh eXteNdEd nEtWoRk bYtCh.. profile picture

+aLiCe Iz yAh eXteNdEd nEtWoRk bYtCh..

About Me

fIrST oFf ThIs , KrI-krI AnD aLLeY oPpS (Ya diG) wE FroM ThE Jo AnY wAys We tRy 2 LiVe OuR lYfE BuT hAlF tHE bAlD-hEaD raTs caNt StOpTrYIn 2 BoOth Up ThE CoNfIdEnTs ObUiOuSlY thEy loVe R NaMes BuT C... HaTeR LeT uS NoE thaT we iMPoRtaNt bUt wAyZ we oFF dAt SuBjEcT wE both Got sEnCe oF HuMoR We aLwAYs maK soM1 laUgH sHoUt oUt 2 OuR SiStErs: ToRa oNjaLe, bErCHeTTe,eArLisHa,QuEEN,AsHlEY LovE Ya gUrLS....AnD mUcH mOrE 2... AnD 2 KrI'z PoOkIe bEaR........................tYrOnE J/P..........BiG jOn & AnD aLLeY'z HuNNiE bUnnIe.......................BiG jOnLoVe,aLLeY-OpPs....BaBi U ChAnGe LOVE,kRI-kRI......... bE REaLWE GET OUR GROWN WOMEN ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Interests

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