I am interested in.....SINGING!; music--GOSPEL, R&B, none of the rap crap they play on the radio these days, some pop, classical & country; WRITING--poetry, short stories, wherever my heart takes me at that moment; my FAMILY; my husband; POLITICS; CHURCH--There is only ONE; starting my own business; basically a long list of stuff...
Your Political Profile
Overall: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Social Issues: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Ethics: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
How Liberal / Conservative Are You?
A few pics:
Pic ..1 is of Me and my babe
..2: Jon, the only one out of my babe's friends probably crazier & wilder than me :0) RIP
..3: Dyjon as a youngin' awwww :0)
..4: Dyjon and me again
Take the quiz: "Which color Chucks are you?"
Original Black Chucks
You are the classic, original Chuck Taylors. You are old-school and have a love for the good old days. Everyone likes and recognizes you. You are one of a kind.
The dairy farmer who sells the milk I drink to the store. That little boy & girl in Smalltown, USA who gets teased and abused by their parents and their peers. The people who are mean to them so I can kick their behinds. Those boys who used to chase me in the 2nd grade and pinch my butt (and tell the teacher that it was I who was harassing them) so I can kick their behinds now that I'm older and bigger. Will Smith & Jada. Oprah. Myself in 20 years...a list of people.
Our new addition...
Spitfire. (the original one). Daddy Long Legs. Basically anything that comes on Turner Classic Movies. Ooooo! Cat Ballou. (Now that's my movie. Thank you, Granddaddy! I love you!!!) Harry Potter--all of them. The Skeleton Key was a really good one...
Charmed, Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill, Yummy Mummy, Baby Baby, a few more...
A Day Late and A Dollar Short by Terry McMillian, When the Wind Blows by James Patterson & The Lake House by James Patterson.
You are dependable, popular, and observant.
Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.
In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.You are unique, creative, and expressive.
You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.
And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming!
The World's Shortest Personality Test
I am 60% Asshole/Bitch.
. I am abrasive, some people really hate me, but there may be a group of other tight knit assholes and bitches that I can hang out with and get me. Everybody else? Fuck ‘em. Take the
Asshole/Bitch Test
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