"Being a star captain's not an easy thing to do, but my life is better than it was during those work days and TV nights" - Corn Mo "Being A Star Captain"
I don't wear pants. I do, however, make movies. I'm not famous, which is why you have absolutely no idea who I am.
This profile more "public" or something.... So when Don't Let's Start is done, all the stalkers can come here and leave comments about how much they hate me, because that's what the internet is for. All it really means is there are fewer people on the other one, and I sometimes post surveys if I'm bored.
Add these!
"It is not childish to live with uncertainty, to devote oneself to a craft rather than a career, to an idea rather than an institution. It's courageous and requires a courage of the order that the institutionally co-opted are ill equipped to perceive. They are so unequipped to perceive it that they can only call it childish, and so excuse their exploitation of you"
~ David Mamet
"Objectively looking at the world, you're the only people alive on the earth today - all the people who created tradition, created countries, & created rules ... THEM FUCKERS ARE DEAD. Why don't you start your own world while you got the chance?"
-- Bill Hicks as Elvis
"We artists and entertainers work our entire lives to have our work viewed by others. But the truth is, when people finally see it, it's somewhat humiliating."
-- Lloyd Kaufman
from "All I Need To Know About Filmmaking I Learned From The Toxic Avenger"
"Caring about whether something 'makes sense' or 'promotes violence' only leads to writer's block and ultimately suicide. I don't play that game."
-- Stephen Colbert
"He who is tired of Weird Al is tired of life"
-- Homer Simpson
"I love and treasure individuals as I meet them, I loathe and despise the groups they identify with and belong to."
-- George Carlin