KONTACT Morjas on MSN-Messenger: [email protected] working progress: Morjas Freestyle CD vol 1 (Sydney) (C)Underground Beats
Comming in beginning of 2007Watch out !Watch out Majistern Upcomming mixtape on Underground Beats later 2006For downloading tracks from Majistern just go to: http://www.majistern.tk..Im Tobias Pedersen originally from Sweden a small town up north called Boden, but live now in Sydney.Love Hip Hop in tha purest form. Hip hop has raised me ant take care of me since i was kid and i will always be thankfoul to the wounderfoul culture with total respect.I had/have the record label Underground Beats with my mate Majistern. Way back in the days Vision (Daniel) and a producer called David (Soul Supreme) was also with us.
Check out Majistern on www.majistern.tkA
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