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About Me

KONTACT Morjas on MSN-Messenger: [email protected] working progress: Morjas Freestyle CD vol 1 (Sydney) (C)Underground Beats Comming in beginning of 2007Watch out !Watch out Majistern Upcomming mixtape on Underground Beats later 2006For downloading tracks from Majistern just go to: Tobias Pedersen originally from Sweden a small town up north called Boden, but live now in Sydney.Love Hip Hop in tha purest form. Hip hop has raised me ant take care of me since i was kid and i will always be thankfoul to the wounderfoul culture with total respect.I had/have the record label Underground Beats with my mate Majistern. Way back in the days Vision (Daniel) and a producer called David (Soul Supreme) was also with us. Check out Majistern on www.majistern.tkA N DALL OFF A SUDDEN I BRING A MINIDISC RECORDER TO YOUR MOUTH?I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

When I speak poetry I do it as an art, but when I touch my roots, things fall apart, so I see the demons try to reach my back, to stressed to meditate I fall in a schakt, sourundeded by goblins and glowin worms, hit Aoteroa with magic thunderstorms, analyze the lifeline in my hand, but it..s brooken and hard to understand, flying in the sky with subliminal birds, feels like when two blind men reading the bible backwords, so I stop for a moment and try to consume, im just a lonely boy raised by the moon, I hope you like my poetry, cause it..s comming moore soon."Tobias Pedersen July 2006"