riding bikes. ice cream. music. kickball. making out. ambiguity. photography. crushes. light. the internet. coffee. my birthday! cooking/baking for my friends. becoming un-shy. pretending like i'm not a bad dancer and dancing anyways. symmetry and repeating patterns. architecture and architectural photography. sore muscles and bruises. themed parties. dressing up all in one color. getting to know people. that moment right before you fall asleep. summertime thunderstorms back home. newly fallen snow and the crunchy noise it makes. getting all nerdy about things that interest me. arm wrestling competitions. Monday Night Beers. baby pandas. not leaving JP unless i have to. visiting places far from home. being very tactile. soft skin and fabric. staring out my bedroom window at the blue sky and my neighbor's gigantic conifer tree. girls that could totally kick my ass. anticipating summer and warm weather.
my new baby:
current (and some always) obssessions:
the knife
she wants revenge
the stills
death cab
bloc party
iron and wine
the need
the bravery
postal service
the gossip
death from above 1979
neko case
rilo kiley
scream club
hot chip
the blow
architecture in helsinki
the last unicorn.
drop dead gorgeous.
monsoon wedding (omg i love this movie so much).
bring it on.
all about my mother.
really, just about any almodovar film.
and christopher guest.
desperate housewives.
grey's anatomy.
law and order.
project runway.
just starting LOST. so intense.
cider house rules.
prayer for owen meany.
native son.
brave new world.
the red tent.
handmaid's tale.
the kite runner (omg, what a beautiful book).
i remember really liking a wrinkle in time when i was a kid, but i can't really remember what it was about.
joyce carol oates.