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what up?

About Me

I'm an open book...ask and you will find out. But for those who like to read this stuff, I am an aspiring counselor who loves people, lives for the next rock concert, and can't wait to be done with school in a year and finally be DONE with academics. I daydream about being a talented musician some day, traveling across country, backpacking thru Europe, goin on the road with a band, and living in a tribal village where no one has ever been before. Hiking, camping, music, coffee houses, diners at 1 am, pool, skating, and karaoke are some of my favorite things to do. I'm a loyal friend, a follower of Jesus, a proud Aunt of two (one is adopted), and have an introverted personality that is just waiting to explode into the extrovert that I am once I am comfortable with you. I love conversation (my favorite topic to discuss is Christ). Being a youth group leader rocks my world! The new love of my life is my guitar; I'm officially taking lessons!! I also appreciate sunsets, health & fitness, rock climbing, chips & salsa, and my Scottish heritage... Anything else, send me a message! AIM = Shacabon MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Discipleship - Music - People - Creation - Theology - Camping - Church - Eatin and Drinkin - Pool - Sk8tin - Dancin - Travel - Loving - Immanuel
Get your own countdown at

I'd like to meet:

You Are Mexican Food
Spicy yet dependable.
You pull punches, but people still love you. What Kind of Food Are You?


I appreciate All music, God created it, and I am passionate about it!! I have a lot of respect for musicians. To name a few in no specific order: Flyleaf, Audio A, Kutless, Creed, Lifehouse, Hoobastank, Jeremy Camp, Matchbox 20, Todd Agnew, Kelly Clarkson, Mindy Boyd, Cranberries, Disciple, hip hop from the 90's, Snapring, P.O.D, Far and Fading, Brooklyn Tab, Aretha Franklin, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, the Monkees, Allison Stayer, Selah...


B.I.B.L.E. "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth"


#1 My Pastor/Friend/Mentor, #2 a musician named George, #3 people whose actions back up their words, and #4 those who are committed to serving God no matter what the cost.

My Blog

Finished Reading!! :)

All books finished....  now the 25 page paper..   43 days to do it!
Posted by Bons on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 09:20:00 PST

Dig it

Go visit the Guitar Center that just opened tonight in the Manor plaza in Lancaster... i went tonight and had to force myself to leave.  Lets just say... it rocks!
Posted by Bons on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 08:14:00 PST


 Enjoy! 1. Schizophrenia --- Do You Hear What I Hear? 2. Multiple Personality Disorder --- We Three Queens Disoriented Are 3. Amnesia --- I Don't Know if I'll be Home for Christmas 4. Narcissisti...
Posted by Bons on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 07:15:00 PST


Alright, so as you can see I have a couple blogs on here... but I still do not post serious blogs about my life... cause blogging often causes unnecessary drama and I dont care to advertise my life to...
Posted by Bons on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 05:53:00 PST