Frank the Tank profile picture

Frank the Tank

I guess we never really moved on?

About Me

HMMMM.......Hmmm I live in Freedom now........I'm 22....I have the best friends in the world...and I know we would do anything for each other.....see..I am a welder at Pierce...its alright..can't complain...they pay me...right?...and the guys I work with rock....sons a bitch's....right now just livin it up...having a good time...trying not to have to many regrets....ive changed alot in the last year or so....changed my views on alot of decided who is worth keeping around...and what old friends are worth bringing back into your life.....who by day...right? IM me if ya want...Frankie1720.... This is my office... This is my hobby... I'm tellin ya..its werid seeing something you built...just cruize down the road :)
Name: Michael
Birthdate: 9/20/85
Birthplace: New london
Current Location: appleton
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: dirty blondish
Height: 6'3
Weight: 250
Piercings: 1
Tatoos: um
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: nah
Overused Phraze: you know it
Food: french fries
Candy: yuk dont like sweets my candy is steak
Number: 11
Color: greenish
Animal: moose
Drink: water
Alcohol Drink: too many...way too many
Bagel: hmm..bagels are for sissys and pretty boys
Letter: G
Body Part on Opposite sex: tummy
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: jimmy johns
Strawberry or Watermelon: watermelon
Hot tea or Ice tea: ice
Chocolate or Vanilla none
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: coffee
Kiss or Hug: kiss
Dog or Cat: dog
Rap or Punk: punk
Summer or Winter: summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: funny
Love or Money: happyness
Bedtime: 1-3am
Most Missed Memory: sitting in corys driveway...drinking
Best phyiscal feature: eyes? but i do have a nice ass lol
First Thought Waking Up: pee
Goal for this year: debt bad
Best Friends: cory...jack...poof.....
Weakness: softball players.....funny girls
Fears: tomorrow
Heritage: irish and german!
Longest relationship: WAY TO LONG...
Ever Drank: stunts your growth
Ever Smoked: yes
Pot: yes
Ever been Drunk: yes...
Ever been beaten up: kinda..
Ever beaten someone up: yes...
Ever Shoplifted: yes
Ever Skinny Dipped: ya dude
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yup
Been Dumped Lately: nope
Favorite Eye Color: any
Favorite Hair Color: any
Short or Long: long
Height: tall girls
Style: laid back...sweatshirt and blue jeans..and a hat
Looks or Personality: personality
Hot or Cute cute
Drugs and Alcohol: alcohol
Muscular or Really Skinny: muscular
Number of Regrets in the Past: 3.4million
What country do you want to Visit: ireland
How do you want to Die: going fast
Been to the Mall Lately: no
Do you like Thunderstorms: yup....kiss the rain
Get along with your Parents: 3/4 of the time
Health Freak: i like salads
Do you think your Attractive: my personality is attractive
Believe in Yourself: i have moments
Want to go to College: been there..done that
Do you Smoke:
Do you Drink: yes
Shower Daily: try too haha...
Been in Love: kinda
Do you Sing: sappy music
Want to get Married: yes
Do you want Children: hell ya
Have your future kids names planned out: no
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: 45
Hate anyone: ya gotta like least give them a chance..

My Interests

Cars, Snowboarding, Music, drinking...full fledged bongs....Miller Time...breaking Rachel's bed......oh ya Lincolns :) MEGAN very interested...

I'd like to meet:

FUN people...I can't stand BiT*Hy people...softball players :) hot :) jack...cuz i meet him again and again..hmm..this one girl...


I like ALMOST all music..lets see.....BUSH, Goo Goo Dolls, gary allen, beastie boys, amber pacfica, the pink spiders, taking back sunday, motley crue, ac/dc, the doors, beatles, johnny cash, good ol willie, david allen coe, ICP, QUEEN!, daddy yankee, copeland, pennywise, tim mcgraw, keith urban, dierks bently, my chemical romance, new found glory, alan jackson, rascal flats,.....


The Rock, God of War, Dumb and dumber, the goonies, dazed and confused, BREAKFAST CLUB, sixteen candles, WAYNES WORLD (haha)....shawshank redemption, escape from Alcatraz.......cliff hanger.....ladder 49...we are marshel..saw...transformers...knocked up...oh ya...girls gone wild games #5...and gang bang girls-she can fucking takin it volume 3 :) ha ha

Television: jobs is sweet :)


anything by Howard Hughes!


Mike pretty much amazing jack rossey......cory mom............or at Pierce..some one once told me out of a 100..i ranked...."85.93495923 because a person can't be perfect right? and you definitely aren't but i wouldn't be your friend if you weren't pretty cool"my fav amber serwe comment to me.... "i was like..biting my lip the whole time"..

My Blog

What to dress up as?

I need to pic something to be for SCaRY HaLLLoOWEEEN....what would be a fun idea..hmmm..I dunno..
Posted by Frank the Tank on Mon, 24 Oct 2005 11:26:00 PST


I need to start a countdown till when I am go home!!..December 23rd..better come faster DAMN!....
Posted by Frank the Tank on Thu, 13 Oct 2005 02:22:00 PST