Random Questions 3 (:
-- Someday I'll put these questions in order. --
What did you want to be when you were young?: A COUNTRY SINGER
What do you like to do when you're home alone?: SLEEP, WATCH TV
If you had a choice, would you choose to live in a different family?: NOPE, NEVER
Do you think you're popular?: YA, I GUESS
Do you think people notice you?: SUMTIMES
Do you get whistled at frequently?: YES
Do you get dates easily?: SUMTIMES
Do you think you have a positive influence on people around you?: YES
Do you care what you look like?: NOPE, MAYB SUMTIMES
Do you often change clothes during the day?: NOPE
How many songs do you know all the words to? (not even a word out of place): MAYB 4, I DON'T KNOW DON'T COUNT
Are you afraid of thunderstoms?: NOPE, LOVE'EM
What are some things you have stolen?: NUTHING
How often do you think about the opposite sex?: ABOUT ALL THE TIME
Are you afraid of heights?: NOPE
...Flying in airplanes?: A LIL
...Roller coasters?: LOVE'EM
Have you ever flown by yourself?: NOPE
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?: 30-45 MINS
Are you nocturnal?: TRY NOT TO BE
How much sleep do you NEED to function reasonably well the next day?: A BUNCH
Do you feel dizzy/lightheaded on a daily basis?: NOPE
Do you like seafood?: A LIL
Are you vegetarian for reasons other than the animals' well-being?: NOPE
How much water do you drink on an average day?: 2 BOTTLES
How many calories do you consume on average? (daily): PROBALY A BUNCH
Do you get sore throats in the morning?: NO
What is your worst habit that you just can't give up?: ? I'M NOT FORSURE
Do you like fruit flavored candy?: YA, STRAWBERRY FLAVORS
Do you think grape flavored things are disgusting?: YES
Have you ever eaten a lemon by itself?: NO
Do you call people on the phone a lot?: NOPE, DON'T REALLY CARE TO TALK WHEN U CAN WRITE
Do you have acne?: NO
Do little things tend to bother you more than important things?: YES
Do you go to summer camps?: NOPE
Do you feel self-conscious wearing shorts?: NOPE
Have you ever belonged to a gang?: NO WAY
Do you know anyone in a gang?: USED 2
Don't you think it would be fun to be a gangster?: NOPE, OK MAYB SUMTIMES
Do you keep secrets from your family?: NOPE, Y THEY WILL FIND OUT
Do you shop for yourself?: YES, ALL THE TIME
Are you comfortable with your weight?: YES
Is your stomach growling?: YES
Ever picked up a hitchhiker?: NOPE
Is your name on any bathroom walls?: YA
Do you like to write your name places?: NOPE
How much money do you usually carry with you?: NONE
Do you ever inflict pain on yourself as 'punishments'?: NO
Do you have an accent other people find interesting?: YES
Do other people find your voice annoying?: I HOPE NOT
What do you do on friday nights?: PARTY, WATEVER I CAN FIND 2 DO
Do you have a passport?: NOPE
Do you like your passport/personal I.D./driver's liscense picture?: NOWAY
What kind of music do you listen to?: THE OLDIES! AND COUNTRY
How many songs are on your computer?: NONE
How many songs have you listened to today?: NONE, 2 BUSY
Do your clothes fit loose, tight, or just right?: SUMTIMES LOOSE AND JUST RITE NEVER TIGHT
Would you eat a cockroach for $500?: YES
Are your teeth straight?: YES
Do you swear depending on who you're around?: YAP
Have you lost weight recently?: I DON'T NOW TRY 2
Have you been away from home recently?: YES
Are you chewing gum?: NOPE
Would you rather be by yourself or with people?: WITH PPL
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