"humans are stupid, like myself, and the true nature of life is something we can not predict, and this needs to be openely accepted, and artistic methods will promote abstractions to happen, and your job is to capture it... not to try to create it... we are not creators... sampling is the blanant artistic idea of that everything is recycled, like we are recycled genes from our parents... we were created with things that already existed before us.."
--Awesome qoute I wish it was mine--------------------------------------------------------
"To be forgotten is evolution... a new legacy is created not only everyday but every moment around you... stop , take a deep breath let it out and look at an item across the other side room for thirty seconds, think of it as a whole not the sum of it's parts and you will see an unique object, look at another object and stop reading this right now..."-----------------------------------------------------
"The apathy of others can inhibit the most motivated aspirations of noble men...."----------------------------------------------------
-----" people all over the world fight and die for the right to knowledge and america skips class."-----------------------------------------------------
---------------------------"when I was a child I was told I can be anything,
when I was a teen I was told what to do,
when I was in my early 20's I was free to chose another's desicion,
when I came of age I was told that it's impossible,
and many years Later I finally realize 'I can be anything'"
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Bjork, Will ferrel, steven hawking, Lindsey Lohan, Jack Black, lake trout, keanu reeves, christopher walken, Phillip seymor Hoffman, Phillip K. Dick(Deceased), Rudy Ray Moore also (Deceased), ghandi, george bates, thoreau
My Blog
I always feel the need to say the last word.....
So this is a simple post and It goes like this....
I always feel the need to say the last word in any conversation and I don't know why it may even be "I Agree" as a last word.......Do you have t... Posted by on Fri, 30 May 2008 10:47:00 GMT
Oprah is the Devil
Oprah.... a powerful woman that's cool.... was the first black billionaire(ebony) that's cool to.... but who does this lady think she is. Yes I watched Oprah the other day and I lost it.... ... Posted by on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 23:46:00 GMT
Truth is funnier then fiction
Many wierd things in my life time have happened. Today I saw one of the tops. If you know me then you know in general I'm not that crude but this is a story that has to be told.&... Posted by on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 20:50:00 GMT