About Me
Hola [: This is Jessicita, HIS girlfwend. Noeykins was born on November 10, '91.And that was the first day they found what perfection REALLY meant /<33. Hehee, he's currently seventeen and this year on Noviembre 10, he will be the HUGE QUADRILPO IMMENSE UNO OCHO!
HE'S A SENIOR AT MSSH:O Pee-wee is amazingly, and extremely sweet. He's the sweetest man I have ever met, and if you dislike him, thennn you must probably be a wittle dee-dee-duh. I'm sowwie ]: Lmboo. His favorita musica de todo el mundo entero isssss CUMBIA! But, but he likes Techno and Rap. Gosh.. He's such a wanna-be. Tee-hee, a wanna-be chongo and reffy boy. But, but I absolutly LOVE him with every wittle speck of my heart. Oh, oh and his third love (Primero = God, Secundo = Familia and Fwends, Third = Soccer, Quatro = Musica :D) is Soccer, and he has very much love for Cruz Azul. Dale Chemo! XD I'm sowwie pollitos amarillos, but but go sucky on a rainbow colored lollipop! (I'm sowwie, Edwin ]:) Lmboo. Even though my wittle man is sometimes upset at Cruz Azul, his love for El Azul never fails. [: For ALL the girlys out there trying to flirt with MY macho man, he's MIO! Gosh,, suck it and stick it in your juice box. [; And I am talking to all the girlys, and YOU TOO Six-Boobie-Girl, el negrito (Even though he's a "man"), and.. That negrita lunch lady. Gosh, find your own boyfwend, WARNING: You won't find one like mine though, because he's ONE OF a KIND. Hehee, I love you sooooo mucho, mi gordo. Always remember my love for you will NEVER EVER die. It will always stay in my heart, like a stain of a Sharpie, it's permanent. Te amo, papi <33 You are amazing. And thank chu for everything. I LOVE YOU. Growwwwwwwl. Mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah [;
At midnight, baby :D