"The wonderfully retrograde five piece's musical education seemingly begins and ends with the more eccentric strands of '60s and '70s rock — raucous power chord fuzz, loopy psychedelia, and the early rudiments of heavy metal. While rooted in the past, Glitter Wizard avoids simply reiterating the sounds of the past, instead following the strains of its musical influence to their logical and most creative destinations." -SF GUARDIAN
"Something magical happened in Oakland. I fell in love. In love with Glitter Wizard. One time I had this dream that Iggy Pop came into my room in Star Trek face paint. It wasn't Iggy, but it was Iggy, you know? Anyways, Dream Iggy squatted down, rested his knees into the pillow and squeezed my head with his meaty white thighs. Then, my pillow turned to cotton candy and Iggy said, 'Like it rough?'"
"This is what you'll be asked to turn down the volume on right before you're also asked for your license and registration." -PERMANENT RECORDS, CHICAGO
7" available now from SansEscape Records. Art by Roy G. Biv
RAWIZ available on cassette. Art by Arthur Tea.