My Band Make or Destroy ! ! !Oscar
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Add to My Profile | More VideosSome of my favorite movies!I Love to fucken drink drink drink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Punk Rockers of today or the ones who live it or die punx.. with spiky hair or skins. Or ill meet you if your punk in the heart thats fine too.You dont need to look it to be it. Los punx de hoy , los punx que lo viven, o los punx que se van a murir siendo punk por vida, y si eres punk en el corazon tambiem me gustaria conecerte porque no deves de vistirte punk para hacerlo los verdadores punx son del corazon.
These guitarist have inspired me to never give up.
What Dreams May Come Night of the Living Dead(old)
Chapelle Show
Soldier X
My hero is no one! Fuck heroes.Done.