Daniel profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Daniel and I live in Mishawaka Indiana. My favorite things to do are visit with friends and play with my kids. I prefer coffee houses to sports bar, live jazz to tractor pulls, and J K Rowling to Tolstoy.
Daniel is Busy Reading James Patterson's Double Cross

My Interests

My main interest are my two children, Noah and Quinn, they are 9 and 6 years old. Noah currently is in the 4th Grade and Quinn just started 1st Grade this year. My favorite things are Computers and Coffee, sometimes in that order. I love sampling different kinds of coffee. My favorite hangout is one of several local coffee houses (not Starbucks)

I'd like to meet:

I'd really like to meet this young lady. Her name is Jenna Fischer, you may know her from the NBC series The Office. I think she is amazingly beautiful. I'd love to meet her and buy her a root beer float.

People that I don't want to meet

These kids and adults that walk around talking like they're ghetto. Pants pulled down to there knees with there underwear sticking out the tops of there pants. Flashing made up gang signs, what a bunch of idiots.

Friends Don't Let Friends Be Wiggers


Classic Hard Rock

Any and all music from the 1980s. Stevie Nicks, Melissa Etheridge, Natalie Merchant, Chicago, Sting/Police, Alanis Morrisette, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Diana Krall, Nikka Costa, The Doors, The Cranberries, U2 before 1990.


Harry Potter Totally Rocks

I love Sci Fi or Thriller movies. Silence of the lambs, The Red Dragon, All the Star Wars and Star Trek. Newer movie favorites include: Sin City, both Pirate movies, anything with Johnny Depp, Closer, with Natalie Portman. Anything with Clive Owens, Steve Buschemi,Harvey Keitel, Michael Madsen, Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez.


I don't watch a lot of TV, I usually download from Bit-Torrent the shows I like. The Office with Steve Corell, Medium with Patricia Arquette, Battlestar Galactica from the SciFi Channel, and my FAVORITE is the show Lost on ABC, I’m totally addicted to it.I totally hate all the teeny preppy crap, The OC, One Tree Hill, Gilmore Girls. What a bunch of pretentious crap.


Who cannot Love the Harry Potter books by JK Rowling??? I've read all seven books and will reread them again and again. Also, Dean Koontz, Dan Brown, James Patterson.


Ultimate hero is the photographer Annie Leibovitz. She is currently working at Vanity Fair Magazine and has worked for Rolling Stone.Other Hero is my father Walter.

My Blog


My opinion of people in general has taken a roller coaster straight to hell.I am so tired of humans at the moment I just don't know how much I can stand any more. There are so many self centered, self...
Posted by Daniel on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 08:25:00 PST

Undocumented workers. AKA: illegal Aliens

Our friends from the deep south (Mexico, not Alabama) feel the need to cross our borders and migrate into our country. Why do they do this? To spread terrorism? NOTo take over our country? NOThey come...
Posted by Daniel on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 08:27:00 PST