i can be really crazy sometimes but its in my blood hehe. i am now a god mummy to my bestest friend eva (jane) baby shes a lil cutey love her to bits. i cant stand people who r realy up there own arse that they dunt see passed their own fakness.
i love all my mates n u all know who u are hehe! KYLIE BOW U RULES BABE! N CARL EVEN THO U SAY INIT TO MUCH LOL! LUKIE BOY LOVE U LOADS U FUCKIN PISS HEAD!!!! BUT MOST OF ALL TO MY AMAZIN PARTNER THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR PUTTIN UP WIT ME IT MEANS A LOT HOPE U NO HOW MUCH U MEAN TO ME I LOVE U! i live in a house with windows and doors and i love to ride my bike hehe lol (hope peeps remember that)I love to sing and dance n yes i can do both! i have the most adorable little 4 year old brother ever who makes me laugh all the time love him loads oh i suppose i better say i love my sis libby n bro peter too haha, and if ya look on ma pics u will see anotha cute baby my nephew rohan i love him loads and a niece has arrived they named her Caitlyn i'l post a pic when u can :). i can be a right laugh when i wanna be n im alway the loudest one in the room but that is also in ma blood, but the weird things is i can be the most shyish person ever but that depends what mood im in. i grew up in irchester n loved every min of it, but i live in rushden now dam it. but to spare u all from more of my talkin shit i am now gunna shut up haha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Myspace Layouts
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What type of Bitch are you?
Sexy Bitch
Damn Lil' Mama!! You have that wit about you that drives men CRAZY. When guys approach you your the first one with a bitchy yet flirty comment. You put guys into their place and tell them how it is. Your a class A bitch with an actual brain. Your the first with a quick comeback! Good for you cause you are usually the one guys fall in love with first too!
How do you compare?
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Which Playboy girlfriend are you?
Your the princess of girls next door ..you must be the center of attention at all times nd always have your way..your very creative
How do you compare?
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