Kocoque profile picture


don't ask me why! f**k off!!

About Me

VeRy-vErY SimPLe pERsOn WitH a SiMPLe LifE.. aSk Me FoR mORe.. =) ..

My Interests

Manchester United, Shopping, Futsal, Soccer, Winston, Desa View, Travelling, Computer, Internet, Counter Strike, PS2, HAngging Out

I'd like to meet:

AnyOne.. eXcEpT YOU!!~ HaHaHa x)~~ GLoRy ManCHesTeR UniTeD!!


Rock Yeah!~


All Channel in Astro =)


Nabi Muhammad s.a.w, Nik Aziz and my Parent

My Blog

Looking For a New Car

Are you looking for a new car? kindly message me.. i will help and give you the price quatation. models --> all types of PROTON, HYUNDAI and PERODUA. thanks a lot. -saiful a.k.a Kocoque-
Posted by Kocoque on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

BikIN sUSpeN jEr!~

Mamat dan Azmir adalah kawan yang tinggal serumah dan sama tempat kerja. Mereka berkerja di sebuah kilang yang terletak tidak jauh dari rumah sewa mereka. Pada minggu tersebut, mereka bekerja pada syi...
Posted by Kocoque on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST