traveling, telling stories, jokes, Improv, modern art, united states History, live theatre, independent film, writing, stand-up comedy...
All the people on the street...
all kinds, radiohead, marley, the beatles, elvis, hip-hop, louie, frankie, dino, sammy, motown, big band, swing, jazz, funkadelic, etc...
It's A Wonderful Life, Dr. Strangelove, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, Jaws, RAN, Kingpin, The Big Lebowski, Barton Fink, Princess Bride, Stalag 17, The Quiet Man, Bottle Rocket, The Sure Thing, Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, Welcome To The Dolls House, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spottless Mind, Little Miss Sunshine, Box Of Moonlight, Gegen die Wand[Head-On(Germany)], etc...
used to watch old movies all the time on AMC with my dad- now its more like TCM, HBO, Rome, Futurama, Heros, Man vs. Wild, Manor Hall, Charlie Rose,History Channel, PBS
Sleeping Where I Fall, Lefty Grove: An American Tradition, Malcom X, Breakfast of Champions, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Catcher In The Rye, Fear And Loathing In America, The Watchmen, The Fountainhead, The Big Sleep, The Giving Tree, 1984, Night, etc/ PLAYS: All My Sons, The Seagull, Glen-Gerry Glen-Ross, Doll's House, The Glass Menagerie, King Lear, No Man's Land, Waiting For Godot
John Wayne, Socrates, Rosa Parks, Cam Neely, Joan of Arc, Lefty Grove, Abe Lincon, Dug Flutie, Elinor Roosevelt, The Flying Eagles of the 101st Airborne, and my dad Melvin
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