'Larry' to get tips on happiness. Razorlight so i could say "How exactly is it possible to be completely talentless and yet still successful...Johnny?". Someone who can burp, fart, sneeze and cum at the same time- wouldn't be overly keen on a demonstration but its impressive nonetheless. Liz Hurley- bloody hell, is there anyone fitter? I bet she bangs like a barn door in a gale- what? I didnt just say that...The guy who first used "Your mam" as an insult- i really want to witness this genius in the flesh. Kevin Costner so i could ask for the 2 hours or so of my life back that i spent watching 'Waterworld'. The guy that wrote the 'rules' to Deal or No Deal because, no matter how much you argue, they dont make sense. Speaking of things that dont make sense- 'Donnie Darko' anyone? What the fuck was all that about? Anyway, i digress... Whoever decided that how rebellious you are is determined by how high/ far back you sit on a bus. Danny DeVito so i feel tall- if possible Prince at the same time too. Channel 5's head of programming down a dark alley. A student who doesn't feel the need to dress up in fancy dress at least once a week and suddenly come under the belief that a Homer Simpson costume makes him everyones best mate down the pub. A likeable Frenchman. Freddie Mercury before he died- although lets hope he's not the one who can burp, fart, sneeze and cum at the same time- that could've made for a risky encounter on my part.