GOLD. late 1960's. hair spray. animal prints. heather grey. tips. credit cards. theme parties. cheap beer. petting zoos. pet stores. pets. eating out. eating in. the arizona desert. cheap clothes. eyeballs. my chihuahua Chico. makeup. airbrush nail art. sharp cheddar. tropical places. LAMB, Obey, RVCA, BB dakota. the working class. dark chocolate. horror movies. popcorn. coffee. sushi. mangos. avacados. over indulgence. celebrity magazines. summer. lemons and limes. painting. printmaking. stencils. summer time in the NW. high heels.
John Waters, Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez, Wes Anderson, The Coen Brothers, Sofia Coppola, David Lynch
im with the band, Vice guide books and magazine.