The Quick: I graduated from UCR, with a BA in Philosophy. I plan to get my Masters in Theology. The goal--write fiction (religious, speculative, horror), theory (ethical, religious), and teach (church or school).The Key-note Positions: I champion 'Radical Free Will' and 'Accountability' in all actions (there is a gradation, but not an absolute 0%). I lean towards Existentialism, but am still studying exactly where I lay within that broad term.The Real: You will not know me by reading this blurb. Knowing a person takes effort, time, openness and grace. I can say that I am a patient, forgiving person who is fairly laid back. Don't make the mistake of seeing Kindness as Weakness--they are two separate entities.The Goal: To learn from others, make the gifts given to me my own, then give back all that I have. I hope that those I meet along the way will force me to grow and I will do the same in return.The Rules: 1-If there is any indication that something could possibly become a problem, let me know as soon as possible so it can be solved. 2-Don't EVER lie to me (I'd rather know the horrible truth than the noble lie). 3-Show respect and common decency towards others.
Freakazoid #5.5 - Conversational Norwegian