jonnypravda profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

There are gentle souls and coarse, and I like to think I fall in the former category. On the Jung typology test I scored an INFJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging). So I don't make friends as easily as I keep them, and I believe in the line Mariel Hemingway says at the end of Manhattan: "Sometimes you just have to have a little faith in people." To that I would add the caveat, "but not all at once." I'm married happily, but am looking for people of wit and integrity and comfort. You know who you are, and who you aren't. That is all.(That isn't actually all. I also want to say who I'm not. I'm not a guy just like your expired husband, nor am I like the boyfriend who just up and left you at the restaurant. [How was the Shrimp Louie, by the way?] I'm nothing like your brother, your first crush, or that movie star about whose life you know every intimate detail from that magazine. Safe to say, I'm unlike any single man you've ever met before. Not better. Not worse. Just not like. Any. Individual man. You've. Ever. Met. Perhaps several joined together, though.)Now, and only now, that is all.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'm looking for friends who don't establish rules--they quietly enact them. There aren't enough people who possess clarity of purpose, who understand the calm urgency of our days on earth, and who will someday look back with fondness and gratitude at the world they leave behind--instead of regrets. I'd like to meet every one of you driven folks, if only to wish you well on the trek. I know you're out there, and I'm certain you're busy, as you already know that wasting time is the greatest sin, but won't you stop in and say hello to the biggest booster you'll ever know?

My Blog

once upon a time

once upon a timeonce upon a time I walked a forestafraid of swallowing the poisonsof life and all along the waysidein my mind I would leave behindlittle placeholders of regretjust like either Hansel o...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Jul 2009 18:53:00 GMT

love is (poym)

love islove is bridges wishing wells andthoughts that sweep across your handsa whole day the grinning sun embracedits tender shoots under dwindling skythe rhyming sound of magic beads orcalm of water ...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Jul 2009 14:16:00 GMT

The Childish Dawn (pom)

The Childish DawnOn steps that rain like Chips of mica flakingComes a childish dawnIn the sideways room.As daylight lifts theGates of rusted mornSome birds alight toSpin their hit parade.Around goose-...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 23:10:00 GMT

Distant Cousins

Distant CousinsWell I understand my mother's sideThey're not terrible picky over thereAbout the gods they might befriendAnd kept their tails tucked inWhen meeting royalty.My mother's side threw all-da...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 18:24:00 GMT

They All Find (poeme du fin)

They All FindThey all find a way to eventuation asIf a mansion or resting place is thereSomething hanging in the April treesWe teach them the best that we liveThen sit upon our sighing porches.This ex...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 19:29:00 GMT

The Things We Never Know (p*m)

The Things We Never KnowThe way the stars are hiding behind hush ofStray branches or clouds in the deep woodLike children fearing their own luminosityOr the damp of forest floor within her eyesI'll tr...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Jun 2009 20:17:00 GMT

Chasing After Phaedra (songy poymy thing)

Chasing After PhaedraThe sun comes on like a friendWho wants to coax a smile but thenYou see your Phaedra dartingRound a corner in a smarting glareYour sudden mind is everywhereShe was the one you'd w...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Jun 2009 09:25:00 GMT

A Savage Heart (pome)

A Savage HeartThe blood that pumps a savage heartInforms the wind of autumn duskThen sweetens grape its summer tartAnd barks the world in winter musk.The smoke that fills a chimney wellDoes permeate o...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Jun 2009 19:16:00 GMT

What Remains (poem)

What Remainswhat remains these lovers all discarda book or shadow pounced upon a shelfa breeze of agnes draped upon a hungerthis abattoir of dreams we never sharedthen fed to eagles on the scorching r...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 19:11:00 GMT

Until the Waves (poym)

Until the WavesWe skipped our stones and said goodnightRiven by youthful circumstanceThe token weeds of sweet regretRode seas of blue until the waves.Her song was caked upon my heart By flugelhorn of ...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Jun 2009 18:33:00 GMT