I'm interested in a lot of things. Many of which are sports like skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding, dirtbiking, longboarding, baseball and many others not worth mentioning. Lets just say i like sports. One day i hope to make use of this love for sports and become a professional skier. I also like the lady folk. They seem so interest me very much. So much, that i would say they are one of my main interests. I like being outside. There is so much to be seen outside. What isn't there to be interested in? I also love to get out and party once in a while with my friends. However, this great past time isn't as easily enjoyable as it once was seeing as how i don't drink because some bull shit trouble i got in. But, that doesn't stop me from gettin out and having a good time so its all good.
People that dont suck
Music is a wonderful thing. If it weren't for music I don't think life would be worth living. I know that is true for me anyways. My music is an expression of who I am and if you don't like my music than you probably shouldn't want to be my friend. The main types of music that enjoy listening to are underground hip-hop, jazz, blue grass, jam bands, rock, reggae and everything in-between. I like music that has had some thought put into it or is at least how someone truly feels about something. There is a lot of stupid music out there that shouldn't even get out of the notebook of the dumb ass who wrote it. Who really wants to listen to a bunch of wangstas rappin about ridin dirty and fuckin their ugly ass bitches? Fuck...i kno i dont. If it has good lyrics, an okay beat to go along with it, and is somewhat relivant to my life than i will probably like it.
There is no such thing as a hero these days...the world is too corrupted and u can't put enough trust in one single peron for them to be ur hero...the only people who i consider my heroe's are my parents. They are the only people that have had a big enough impact on my life to be considered heroe's. They made me who I am today and had a hell of a time doin i cause i was a little fucker as a kid.