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Jim Morrison of The Doors, changed my life. I love driving to Led Zeppelin. When I was in high school I was really big on MetallicA and Ramstien. I'm pretty eclectic, but very judgmental; I like the blues, classic rock, big band swing, hip hop, downtown garage band indie scene, yeah, eclectic bitches. Rage Against the Machine (Zach de la Rocha, where are you?!), "anger is a gift." I love what Saul Williams dishes out. Ozomatli! Pete Miser! Orishas! Classic Clapton, the best of Queen, Los Fabulos Cadilacs (because one of my relatives did their keyboards on their Americas tour, Matador!) There's so much more, maybe I'll list it all one day (that I happen to be really bored or really needing to procrastinate)
Stargate: SG1, Stargate: Atlantis, Blade: The Series, EUReKA, Battlestar Galactic (contemporary series), Minoriteam, Aqua Team Hunger Force, Venture Brothers, Sealab: 2021, Robot Chicken (even Erika enjoyed this one), Boondocks, Entourage, Lucky Luie, Naruto (can only watch in Japanese), Monster (also Anime), Ghost in the Shell (I watch this in English, but I cringe alot).
I grew up on TV, reading really isn't my thing, BUT, I do read sometimes, and here are some of the pieces of literature that I enjoyed: Fight Club (great and different from the movie, don't worry, I loved the movie too), The Catcher in the Rye (best book that I was forced to read, and a fantastic piece of fiction in and of itself), No One Here Gets Out Alive (the book that changed me), some childs book about the biography of Charlse Darwin that I did a book report on back in Jr. High or maybe even elementary school (introduced me to evolution). I am also big on comic books, and this is the 'books section' and comic books do have ISBNs so here goes: Punisher (Garth Ennis version), GI Joe (Marvel and Image versions), The Watchmen, Riffle Brigade (oh Garth Ennis, can you do no wrong?), The Ultimates, Soldier X, Deadpool, Agent X (they should have made this into an unlimited series), Cable & Deadpool, there are many series that started out good and ended up not so good like The Brotherhood, and there are lots of other series that are too short or too obscure to mention, well, maybe I'll list them all later, who knows