im chase,i play baseball for the texas hurricanes. its summer and i have no idea what i am going to do with anyone. i won middle school and jv state as an eight grader, i go to scs but move schools like every year. and am probly going to virginia for boarding school, unless i dont get in, then southwest christian or military school. o what fun. play football, baseball and i wrestle. and most every weekend you will see me riding down on the brazos. i tend to push away most my close friends, i cant keep a relationship well at all, i try but i just aint good at it, and kuse of this people lose there respect of me, so maybe its good i am leaving.... join the party? add me?
things i miss...
1.William Barrett Payen
2.The blink
3.The seex (you know who)
4.All saints baseball/football
5.The ones i dont see anymore, expecally Kasey, Nicole.
6.The O.C.
7.How I didnt worry about anything. and how easy everything was.
8.Summer sunset sets on the lake.
9. Bring Bigger than everyone.
10. Westside/Halks.
11. friends (the show)
12.More to come.