Art is my passion and also something that is very personal. Thus you more than likely never see any of my paintings... sorry (don't feel bad it's nothing personal and they are not that good anyway)! True black and white photography has become a recent love of mine. I don't know why but it feels like its becoming a dead art almost. I am also very interested in my schooling and becoming the best teacher that I can... I know I'm a dork!
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People that know how to have a good time and joke around. I would also like to meet people that know what they want in life and are opinionated. While all at the some time is able to understand that others also have opinions. Gee... I think I might be asking for too much!!
I like every type of music, but my life's anthem is Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls. Recently though I have been in love with anything that can make me do my really silly 80's white girl dance.
I'm a huge fan of comedies, but I'm also a girl and do enjoy a good chick flick every now and then (my all time fave is City of Angels). I pretty much hate all blood and gore horror films, but I do appreciate a good suspense movie that makes me almost piss my pants!
You are
What Rejected Crayon Are You?
I love Family Guy and Futurama, but I also enjoy the annoying reality shows on VH1 and MTV for some reason (character flaw I suppose)!
What Family Guy Character are you?
you have an I.Q of 13 but often comes out with shocking revelations(you are also quite an artist)
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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has been my favorite since I was in 4th grade! (God if that doesn't show that I am have a learning disability and want to be a teacher I don't know what else does!) Although recently (there is some hope for me) I have fallen in love with Jennifer Weiner and Jennifer Crusie... both of which write about larger women who are strong willed... intelligent... and some how strangely beautiful... all things that I would like to think I am.
Shawn, Ashley, and Marilyn Monroe