Hi, my name's Kristina I'm 36, and I have three kids, Rikki, Shelby, and Christopher, and a loving husband Rick. I have a myspace because my daughters said to have one! so it's all their fault. Don't be decieved by my family, I love to go out anf have fun just as much as the next person. Well, my daughter Rikki (9) loves soccer and has a major attitude problem so watch out, she bites......her dog does too. Shelby (13) is a hardcore softball and soccer player and she'll take you out anytime!! My baby Christopher (5) is the baby of the family and he plays soccer and T-ball (awWwWw) so be nice to him or he'll set you strait, and don't even get him started with cars because he'll never shutup!!!This profile was edited with Princesses only!
What is a good quote for you?
by grlinterupted
Say what?? "I know you are but what am I?"
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