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R. I. P. Griffin 1993 - 2008

About Me

I am afraid of success more than failure. i think i have to many weird quirks and tendancies that need to be satisfied and acted out for any one to love me completely. i am often bored. i shower two to three times a day on average. i have low self esteem mixed with manic confidence. i love attention. i strive for modesty. i enjoy "naked time". i have three nipples. i want to be in a band. i strive for a perfect game in bowling (electronic and real). i prefer sam adams. i prefer jamison with that sam adams. i get lonely. i sometimes enjoy feeling depressed and sorry for myself. i was drug tested by my parents. my father was the president of oak ridge military academy. i have terrible motion sickness. i love disco music. i saved a frenchman's life. i took ballet as a child. when i was 4, i knocked my front tooth out after i fell off of a shelf that i was trying to retrieve ernie and bert toys from; i fell off the top and landed teeth first on the bottom, further sticking out shelf; the baby tooth rammed up into my gum and hit my permanent tooth while it was still soft and forming. i could see the baby tooth in the far away nether back regions of my nostril. when the permanent tooth dropped, it had a scar on it from the impact. i knocked that permant tooth out at clown camp. i now have porcelain fronts. i have chopped off a chicken's head. i have been to 31 states. i have been to 17 countries and they was all crazy. i attended 6 schools before graduating from high school. i climbed to the top of the Time Warner Cable tower on spring garden street. i was shot in my right eye with a paint ball at point blank range and wasn't blinded. there is only a 5% chance of keeping you sight after an inccident like that, from 40 ft. away. i have no more grandparents. i have 6 nameless fish. i had fish with names but they all died so i quit naming them. i was the mascot for the greensboro bats. i have southern pride. i won a trip to mexico by playing those touch screen video games you find in bars. i feel dizzy around old people. i just began to like tomatoes this year. i peed my pants in the middle of my second grade class room. i like to thread the silk on the edges of my blanket between my fingers, or twist it into a point and gently insert it into my ear. i have a mole on my scrotum. i am not afraid of the moment of death. i am afraid of the moment after. i am not afraid of change. i honor tradition. i drove a moped for 2 years. i had my moped stolen. i haven't broken a promise in 11 years. i will acknowledge that another man is attractive. i like the carolina tarheels. i still have notes from high school. i like chili cheese burritos from taco bell. i will drink ginger sauce. i play board games. i have cried while watching Star Trek: The Next Generation. i never made the baseball team after they started making us tryout. i sometimes take long hot baths. i get facials. i buy really bad pornography magazines and leave them on the toilet tank in public restrooms. i enjoy going to gay bars. i have traveled at the speed of sound. i went hang gliding. i thought it sucked. i had a mullet when i was little. i get real sweaty sometimes. i was made fun of often as a child. i, somehow, was still relatively popular. i met mick jager. i met david sandborne at the same time. i liked him better. i have ADHD. everyone has ADHD. i write and eat with my left hand, but do every thing else with my right. they still say im not ambidextrious. i am a horrible speller. my mother was an english teacher. i was supposed to be an actor. i got scared. i have involentaraly made people cry. i have done the hair of a corpse for a funeral. it was cold. she was my grandmother. when i can, i sit down to pee. i like no leg hair (on myself). i am self deprecating. my father is a sensitive new age guy. i hate when people leave me comments on myspace that obviously should be private messages. i would do well in the military. im against the war. im not sure what im doing with my life is the right thing. i know its not. im also sure ill never discover what the right thing is. i didnt have a wet dream until i was 18. it was ok, i guess, but messy. i can ride a unicycle. i "swam" with dolphins (which means i stood in shallow water and gently stroked dolphins who really didnt want to be touched by a bunch of fat pasty tourists), i had several peices of furniture i painted featured in the national furniture market in high point, i was in the audience at the conan o'brian show, i've seen patrick stewart perform live, as of 8/11/06 i have two scars on either side of my anus; one shaped like africa in a mirror and the other like a little pac-man (where are those pictures, Dominic?), i am an eagle scout,THE MATHMATICAL EQUATION FOR KNOWING AND UNDERSTANDING ME:x(James Dean/Ol Dirty Bastard + A Gay Rollerblader from Miami(Lorenzo's Oil/GG Allin)) = Sam(where x = Satan's hair gel)" / Get Your Own Voice Player Manage

My Interests

grooming, board games, microwavable meals, bowling, phosphates, prison tatoos, coffee, tagteam robot dancing, interperative dancing, hambone, regular dancing, sushi, paintball, megatouch games, stealing lydia's friendsters, hair, classic cars, original RISK, RISK 2210, RISK Godstorm, ripping up at the gym, steam saunas with the boys, Star Trek The Next Generation, cafeteria food, gardening, shaving my cat's belly, men's fashion, hot water, candles that have been used, getting the libertarian party back on the ballot, sampling the newly permitted high alcohol beers in the area, arranging my star trek figurines ("Picard next to Crusher! Picard next to crusher, god damn it! The little phaser goes with Geordie and Data gets the tri-corder! NO! NO! NO! Here, just let me do it. im sorry, im sorry. Its just that i get really weird about Jean-Luc and Beverly; there love was never realized. I mean Captain Picard sent Dr. Crusher's husband on a dangerous mission, from which he never returned and then Dr. Crusher asked to be assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise 1701-D and serve under Captain Picard? me no think so! There were just too many face inches away from face, lips nano-spaces away from lips moments to not have them finally do it with each other's love holes! So, that's why Picard has to be next to Crusher, man. sad, isnt it? Riker? Commander William Riker? I dont have him."), trying to break 71 mph on my SeaDoo RXT (it'll be really really easy after i get that damn govenor off),

I'd like to meet:

Robert Goulet, Beck, Steven Drozd, Taco, a girl who will drink my fart out of a chilled glass, enthusiastic bowlers for some good competition (electronic or real), Aldous Huxley, my grandfathers, my parents (as kids), Gene and Dean Ween, James Brown, Wayne Coyne, anyone who has seen the movie "The Peanut Butter Solution", Mr. Rodgers, both of the actors and the writer from this comercial: .. width="425" height="350" ..


is nice to listen to. i like MAS MADA DERAJ, strange and beauty-full, micheal jackson, BECK, flaming lips, SPARKLE HORSE, erlend oye, PHOENIX, barry white, WEEN, fishbone, steve burns, godspeed you black emporer, kings of convenience, neutral milk hotel, air, beth orton, abba, ace of base, mercury rev, dj oxidize, armin, benni bennissi, d from p, LARRY LONGSHANKS AND THE TALLYWACKERS, james brown, screaming headless torsos, dominic, portis head, eldar, cornelius, britney spears, taco, belle and sebastian, peaches, any muppet movie soundtracks or holiday albums, micheal mcdonald, NEDDY NEEDLES AND THE BRUISED VEINS, sondre lerche, any dj kicks album, doobie brothers, BIG JILM AND THE DEERNUTS, dj manners, m.c. please, m.c. thank you, the pointer sisters, mexican banda music, blonde redhead, postal service, pedro the lion, mama fajita's kids, dr. teeth and the electric mayhem, the chiwawas, BALL SAC BOB AND THE WHITE BUMPS .. width="425" height="350" ..


are entertaining to view. like we be humpin' (vols. 3, 4, 6, and 9), the violation of Kia, fat fucks and plump humpers (vols. 7 thru 16, excluding 12 and 9), venom 2, butt watch, ass blasters 1, gray, slapper 18,


keeps me informed of current events. i like strangers with candy, family guy, queer eye for the straight guy, MXC, Star Trek The Next Generation, iron chef, dragon ball z, the critic, the simpsons, seinfeld, friends, ESPN, ren and stimpy, SNL (the good years), conan obrian (the good years), aqua teen hunger force, H.R. Puff n Stuff, da ali g show, almost anything on cable access, top chef, project runway, what not to wear ..


help one to stimulate one's mind, while passing the time. i like theres a boy in the girls bathroom, wheel of time series, dogs dont tell jokes, doors of perception, griffin and sabine series, dark tower series, civil disobedience, red wall,


people who say their parents are their heroes.

My Blog

random spamdom

He moaned while he was pissing, and continued moaning for a long while after it was done. Although he had no way of telling for sure, he thought he was out longer this second time. Although he had no ...
Posted by No Diggity, No Doosh on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 07:23:00 PST

Story Orgy

my friends and i write stories together. the green parts were my contributions. Michelangelo wore heart shaped sunglasses to work.  His boss thought is was inappropriate.  So he apologized p...
Posted by No Diggity, No Doosh on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 01:23:00 PST

stupid human tricks

a haiku:   raining sparks on ass anus now covered in scars would not try again...
Posted by No Diggity, No Doosh on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 11:28:00 PST

souveniers from asheville...

a haiku:i found moist towelsthat no longer held moisturemy car door smells good
Posted by No Diggity, No Doosh on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 12:08:00 PST