Music, Partying, an ocassional movie(comedies, indies and ameture porn). hunting(whitetail deer) Fishing (fresh and saltwater). Restoreing and remodeling old homes.Creating wicked rec rooms in newer construction. Fast cars and classics. Friends and family functions (weddings christmas and thanksgiving). weekends up north. Texas hold'em. Winters in florida summers in wisconsin. Traveling (love cruises). Singing (used to be in a band). 420 (no other recs). Fighting for the little guy.
Just about anyone with a somewhat positive attitude cause if we meet in hell I still want to have a good time.If we meet in heaven we can talk about the party going on back here.
Sex Pistols, Ramones ,Scorpions, Megadeth,Old metallica,U2,REM,LInken Park,Disturbed Led Zepplin,Black Sabbath,Bach, Mozart,Prokofiev, Mendelson.Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings.Willie Nelson,Garth Brooks,Eminem,Snoop dog,Cure, Depeshe Mode, danzig, Beatles,Violent Femmes,Everly brothers and of course Elvis.
Scarface,Jaws,School of Rock,Postman,Ameture porn.
cant stand it
The harry potter collection,Grisham,some steven King.
Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin,Roosevelt,kennedy, Bill Clinton