Let's see, I like breathing oxygen, eating when I'm hungry and urinating when my bladder is full, but hey, who doesn't, right? I also like watching movies and sitting on my ass and watching TV, drinking red wine, making people laugh -- usually by talking about people behind their backs, walking my dog Homer, having men rub my feet, shopping with my sis, drinking coffee, bitching about how conservatives and Republicans are ruining this country, asking people inappropriate questions, people-watching, impressing people with my geeky knowledge of pop culture, movies, TV and music, and, of course, putting people on my Shit List.
I am horribly lame when it comes to music. I would love to say that I listen to really cool indie rock bands or something, but then I'd be a big, fat liar. My iPod is filled with 80s pop hits, R&B, rap, funk, soul, disco and one-hit wonders. It has Guns 'n Roses on it and it has Digital Underground on it. It has Rick Springfield on it and it has the Gorillaz on it. I'm all over the map. I listen to lame, ol' FM radio stations a lot -- pop, rock, hip-hop and classic R&B and soul. My absolute favorites bands are Dave Matthews Band, Beastie Boys, Madonna, Barenaked Ladies, Beck, Tenacious D, The Roots and Me First and the Gimme Gimmes. I singled them out to list on this site, because these are the musicial acts that if they came to town I would pay big bucks to see them.
I know it's cool to say Citizen Kane or some Fellini film, but my real faves are Hard Day's Night, the Star Wars movies, Grease, Friday, Office Space, Ghostbusters, all the Kevin Smith movies, Fight Club, Raider of the Lost Ark, Mother, Bridget Jones' Diary, Dazed and Confused, and too many to list.
I watch more TV than anyone should be legally allowed to watch, but here we go: The Simpsons, Futurama, Sopranos, Deadwood, Sex and The City, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Wire, The Daily Show, Arrested Development, The Shield, Lost, What Not to Wear, Project Runway, Chappelle's Show, Grey's Anatomy, Veronica Mars, My Name is Earl, The Office (both versions), Prison Break, The Amazing Race, Looney Tunes (Bugs Bunny changed my life), 24, Entourage, Rome, CSI, Homicde: Life on the Street, South Park, American Idol, Seinfeld, Monty Python, The Colbert Report, 30 Rock, Firefly, Freaks and Geeks, Andy Ritcher Controls the Universe, House, The Soup, Best Week Ever lots and lots of Cartoon Network and too many more to list.
I've been known to crack open a book or two. Lately, I've been reading a lot of David Sedaris and Augusten Burroughs. I love Jane Austen books ("Pride and Prejudice" is one of my favorites -- I know, how girly and lame, right?), and I love books by Nick Hornsby and Chuck Klosterman. And, Green Eggs and Ham is my all-time favorite.
Well, all of my friends are the wind beneath my wings ... does that count?