Girly Double-Background MySpace Layouts
What to say...hmmm, well Miranda's a big loser and i don't like her. haha j.k. I love her. She's cool. I haven't really known her for that long but we've become close. I make her laugh, she tries to make me laugh but I just stare at her and think, "what in the world was she thinking?!" haha. No, j/k, j/k. :D She's short and I don't think she's growing but she'll get day. lol. But hey, I can't talk cause if you seen me, you know I'm not one to talk. Well anywhoo, I'm out. DEUCESS. haha. I wonder who even made the word up?! lmao. :D
aye...wut can i say hmm...let's see damnn you live OD far now nd we hardly get a chance to talk bcuz we're both so busy but you're still one mah best friend we had some fun times in 9th grade chillin in coach o'hare class...wit all dem boyss droolin ova us the whole year haha...damnn i miss u no lie but we graduate this year...and we def. gonna chill den i love you girl.. =)HacKed--->La ReiNa<---
Ah lil homie Miranda =aka= Randa =aka= Mz. B =aka= mixed mutt lol jp, but yea im juZ comin thru ta hack ma lil homieZ page....hmm want can i say bout her?? well diZ chica iZ soo effin kraZy fa one! I love n miZZ her dearly!!!! lol We rode da same buZ last year n we had art klaZZ 2getha....Where we waZ da lyph of da klaZZ lolZ....especially uZ seniorZ lol well now She iZ a senior doin it big in dat ole proud of ma lil amiga....Ha she had a fEw WEIRD but kraZy storieZ...and ha daddy a cop so don meZZ wit ha!! lmao....But she iZ a sweetheart who iZ also retarded at timeZ (but who iZnt)....DiZ chickaa rite hea don meZZ wit cuZ ill beat u up if u make ma randa madd!! lol but uh yea i guess im done, i miZZ u grl, luh ya grl!!
peace homie im out!!
---->tHe eNd<----
My hero is muh bff Neshaa!!!!
myspace layouts