PVC~WerE not ExactLy gOths or pUnks or Any partiCUlar genRe, bUt we do Take eLEments of All sOrts oF styLes AND cOmbINE thEm wiTh faNtAstic ColourS aNd A deFinaTE senSe of sEX aPPeal whIch Is appArenT in ALL our ProduCts.ITS NOT JUST CLOTHES; TO US ITS A WAY OF LIFE.What we wEar hAS aLways bEEN infLuenced By tHe muSic We Love. FRom fiSHnets And pvC inSPired by tHe cuRE and Marilyn mANson to All tHings colorFUl and fEminiNe all gWEn sTaffANi anD gOlDfraPp.
Our deSigns coVer All aSpecTS of tHis anD thE trUe PVC loOk iS to miX itEms frOM aLL ouR ranGes to aCHieve a loOk uniQue to yOU.aLL PVC cLotheS aRe noT maSS prOduced, All iTems aRe loVingLy haNdmade And moDified bY uS and most Our iTems aRE onE-oFFs. So iF yOU vaLue yOUr iNdivIduality aS mUch AS we do pLease enQuire ABouT our gArMEnts.ThanKyou
WiTH LoVe from SIan and LouLOu xXx
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