My beautiful girlfriend, Carmen Ramento, I love you nene:) My handsome little man, Elijah, I love you nene boy!
Every free moment I have, I spend with my familia, my mani'luhu (brothers and sisters), I don't know why but Islanders love to spend lots of time with each other even in spite of the drama that comes with it (family drama). Sometimes I think that we are crazy...ha..ha.. Berkeley is cool, there are some really amazing activists and teachers here, but they are few in number (100s), most people (35,000) at UC BERKELEY think they are all of that, they falsely claim to be super smart, but really most are just rich kids and private school kids who had opportunities or resources that most of us working class people do not have. Many are brainiacs who can barely hold a normal conversation, kinda ironic how we call some people "smart" just because they can repeat stuff from books...
I was born in Guam but raised in Tacoma/Lakewood, WA and I always wish I could have grown up back home, always felt like something was missing, oh thats right the land was missing... Dats why I am in school because I get to learn and teach about Pacific Islanders and all people of color at the same time...I am in school 40 hours a week, studying, teaching, taking classes, grading, etc, etc, and sometimes it sucks!!! I try to keep it in perspective that God has me here for a purpose...I like to party, but I am trying to chill because I feel like I've been blocking the blessings in a way. I go to church a lot, always looking for answers, and I feel like my relationship with God is what makes me, and breaks me...Could always use more prayers...I like to sing kareoke but I sound horrible, I would sing all day if I could but I always sound Catholic:) ha, ,ha,ha...My favorite sports teams are the lakers,huskies, and cowboys. I love to songi and eat good food. I like to write and perform spoken word. I love being a teacher. I love to go out and go dancing (prefer dancehall reggae or Hip Hop). I am constantly in a state of change, I love to learn new things which sounds pretty dorky, but thats because I am a dork.
Full time mommy, full time wifey, full time student. Is it possible to be all those things full time? I guess it is cuz I'm doin it. Full time mommy...I am lucky to have the smartet little monster on Earth. Hes too smart for his own good, but he keeps us on our toes. Full time wifey...anyone who knows Miget knows what thats about. Full time student...studyin nursing. Its been a while and its hard to get back into school mode with a 1yr old, but I'm lovin the challenge.
I like to eat all the time. I also like to read with my mommy and my gramma. My daddy is teachin me to speak Chamorro and my gramma is teachin me sign language. I really like to play in the tub and in my great-gramma's pool. I also LOVE music and I like to dance and shake wht my mama (and daddy) gave me. I get in trouble a lot cuz I get excited and hit sometimes.
I have already met the girl of my dreams, Carmen, so just friends please. Always enjoy meeting people who have a strong Faith, down-to-earth people, islanders, any and all of my Chamorro people, activists, poets, teachers, ethnic studies folks, and people who are down with the struggle, down for change!
JAHJAH: Anything with a good beat...Santana, Justin Young, Fiji, Elmos Sing-along
MIKEY AND CARM:REGGAE-Bob Marley, Steel Pulse, Sean Paul, 3rd World
HIP HOP-Kanye to tha, Mos Def, Blue Scholars (GEO), DRE, DJ Quick, Snoop, Dissect One, Dead Prez, Common
R/B- Maxwell, Jon Legend, Usher, Jill Scott, India Arie
ROCK/Roll-Dave Mathews, Linkin Park, Hoobastank, The Eagles, Santana, 311, James Taylor
ISLAND-Brada Izz, JD Crutch, Ekolu, KC Leon-Guerrero, 3 Plus, Fiji, Uniku, Norm, Mana Kaleilani Caceres, Keali'i Reichel
Comedy-Money Talks and Friday, Drama-Once Were Warriors, Horror-The Grudge
JAHJAH:Little Einsteins, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Backyardagains
CARM:CSI, That 70's Show, Law and Order
MIKEY:MTV-Real World Road Rules, Martin, Dave Chappele Show, Seinfield and Friends, CSI, That 70's Show
JAHJAH: Mother Goose, Baby Face book, Five Little Monkeys
CARM: Betrayal of Liliuokalani, Plain Truth, Harry Potter
MIKEY: Souls of Black Folks-Dubois, Decolonizing Methodologies-Tuhiwai, Toughest Indian in the World-Alexie, Borderlands La Frontera-Anzaldua, The Betreayal of Liliuokalani-Helena G Allen
Nana Dedang (my grandmother Brigida Salas San Nicolas) because she is the strongest person I have ever known (17 children, 60 grandkids, 15 great grand), 'Maga Lahen' Angel Santos (Chamorro Human Rights Activist), June Jordan (African American Poet/ Professor),W.E.B Dubois (1st African American Ph.D), Caesar Chavez (United Farm Workers), Russel Means (Native American Revolutionary)