The oNLY people in the whole world cooler than me... That's right... THe SPiCE GiRLS!! ...
i LoVE music...aLL music...!but mostly country... my aLLTiME favorite is CHRiS CaGLE!!
I LoVE all movies!... Except the scary ones, i HaTE scary movies!... and except creepy aCTION movies, aLSO i dislike movies i don't understand!! So basically my all time FaVORITE movie is CHiTTY CHiTTY BaNG BaNG...
THaTS So RaVEN! and the SuiTE LiFE! Basically any DiSNEY shows that aren't animated! GaME SHoWS keep me entertained for hours-- FaMILY FuED--JeOPaRDY--DEaL or NO DEaL!-- As for normal shows... i suppose i catch an episode of DESPaRaTE HOUSeWiVES each SUNDaY... if i can stay awake...
so yeah, when i was very young and silly this was my hero...Bang Bang Bang