RUNNING, sports, music, movies, dancing, laughing, partying, drinking, I'm really into science, especially biochemistry, anatomy and physiology, hanging out with my pals, and living it up at U of A. One day I hope to learn of how to play a day. I really like history, especially American History which is why I find myself hanging out in Washington D.C. a lot. Traveling (I HEART N.Y.), site seeing, this sounds gay but I like my job as a waitress at Mama Fu's (yes, that is a REAL restuarant) going to the beach with friends and digging my feet into the sand, exploring, SHOE SHOPPING, I like to sneek out to the movies late at night sometimes and catch the latest's a good way to clear your head, art, I'm really into visiting different musuems but the best I've seen so far are in Washington D.C., different cultures, I love Egyptology and will give ANYTHING to go to London and see the Cairo musuem of Egyptian artifacts, theater, I like going out with my pals and splurging on junk food in cafes while laughing over past times...then pinky-swearing to go on diets the next day (God, kill me, LoL!). Yea, all that and saving the whales...LoL!
Life is Random...ask questions
Ocean or Lake? ocean, but lakes are nice too.
Pizza or Chinese? chinese
Mansion or Penthouse? both
Have you been on a Jet Ski? yea
Are you afraid of clowns? kinda
How many brothers/sisters do you have? 2 younger blood sisters, and 2 older step bro & sis
Favorite band/group? don't have one
Baseball or football? both!
Favorite brand of makeup? Lancome
Waffles or pancakes? PaNcAkEs!
Do you have an IPod? no, MP3 player
Bike or scooter? bike
Ever go in a hot air balloon? Hah!
How will you celebrate turning 21? Hah! I'm hoping to be able to remember how I celebrated it!
What brand computer do you have? What computer?
How many times have you been to DisneyWorld? Too many to count...shut-up!
Favorite city? New Orleans, New York, Chicago...yea, that's it.
Ice cream or frozen yogurt? IcE cReAm!
Do you think you are fat? Depends if I am fitting into some things
Ever throw up in a public place? Not intionally...ish.
Do you have a pool? yup
Ever drive a car? Are you retarded?...
How many times a month do you go to the movies? 2-3
Last movie you saw? Talladega Nights
Who is your hero? Will Farrell
How old are your parents? What parents?...O!
What deceased person would you like to meet? Read my profile cupcake.
Do you chew ice? All the time
Have you been to California? Yup
Last book you read? 'SEX...A User's Guide'......what?
Favorite teacher? Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. White, Mrs. McCanally, Coach Camper
Do you like to go fishing? sometimes
How many boyfirends/girlfriends have you had? Too many to count!
How many of those do you regret? WAY TOO MANY TO COUNT!!!...o, y me?
What is you average in school? 2.8-3.0....I was a lazy kid
Favorite professional team? Don't really care for favorites...ish.
Do you like mohawks? Hah!
How many pairs of shoes do you own? Enough to pay 3 months worth of rent!
Do you floss? I try to...I'M HUMAN.
Do you have braces? Hah!
Do you bite your nails? noooooo!
What is your last thought before falling asleep? Probably shouldn't have accepted that unconceiled drink from that guy...
Do you fall in love easily? Only with guys who know what they're doing
Ever have a crush and they never knew?
Do you babysit? Hah! That's hell-to-the-NO!
Ever been shot at? NOooo....ish.
Do you work out/exercise? About 3 times a week
Do you have 6 pack abs? Hah!...y so mean?
Do you consider yourself nice? Only when I want something
What movie character would you like to be? Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Carribean, or John Belushi from Animal House...Yea, I said it!
Do you go to camp for the summer? What a gay question...OF COURSE! LoL!
Ever been bit by a snake? I don't like nature to begin with
Have you been on a boat? yuppers
Name of friend you have known the longest? Brock
Do you like jumping on a trampoline? oooohhhh yyyeaaaa!
Ever break a bone? yup!
Name of favorite Aunt/Uncle? Aunt Kayrun and Uncle Pat
What is your ultimate job? to be a photographer for National Geographic
Do you want to walk on the moon? I think I have....ehm.
Can you name the seven dwarfs? Grumpy, Dopey, Pissy, Horney, Hung-overy, STD-y, Addictiony and Doc.
Favorite TV show? That 70's Show, Scrubs, Law&Order SVU and CSI
Apples or oranges? Apples
Favorite model of car? red or black lamborgienne, the new one
Favorite flower? white orchids
Favorite color? green
Besides family, ever have someone of the opp sex in your bedroom? Yea, but I try to mix it up as I go, keep my sheets guessing
Ever climb out your bedroom window? Yup, and missed the tree that you're supposed to grab to not fall and DIE!!
Do you live in an apartment or house? Condo, biotch!
How many times in the last month have you had the hiccups? Just had them yesterday
Ever laugh so hard milk came out your nose? Hah!
How many cousins do you have? Some here, some in Spain
Do you believe in ghosts? right....ooookkk.
If you were a bird, what would you be? Big bird...but on crack
Ever get stitches? nah...
If you could, would you want to know what your future was going to be? I kinda already have a hunch, ish.
How many kids do you want to have? People actually want those things?
If you could change your name, what would it be?
Dogs or cats? cats
Who do you tell your problems to? NO ONE!!
Who can your tell your secrets to and know they wont tell? (see box above...jackass)
Do you believe in love at first sight? when it involves alcohal
Do you go to church? ish
Would you marry outside your religon? No
Volleyball or tennis? Whichever's quicker.
How many people were at your last party? I was seeing double at the time so probably 1/2 that number
Ever ride in a limo? yup
Favorite dinner? Arby's Chicken salad
A lot of people: John Belushi, John Lennon, Jimmy Buffet, Jimmi Hendrix, Jesus, Jim Carry (a lot of J names...n/m) Miss Piggy (she's such a kewl gal), the cast of the muppets, Hugh Hefner (with the help of great cosmetic surgen I could be working for him someday LoL!...but u gotta love the man's work...I'm not gay) Chris Farley, Robert Redford...mmm, Eirc Banna (if you've ever seen Troy then you know what I'm talking about ladies!)and Mr. October. People/things I try to avoid: Hilary Clinton, Dick Cheney (I don't own a bullet proof vest LoL!) people with bad breath, things that are sticky, spiders and the DUTCH (I'm talking to u, BROCK! LoL!).
I'm really into retro kinds of music, ROLLING STONE, The Beetles, Led Zeplin, Pink Floyd, The Doors, Jimmy Buffet, BB King, Blues and Jazz, Jimmi Hendrix, The Who sometimes, Aerosmith, Oasis, A Perfect Circle, Greenday, recently latino music and every one in a while heavy metal.
For starters, I HATE CHIK FLICKS! If I want an excuse to cry I'll shoot myself in the foot! LoL! THE BIG EASY, FOREST GUMP (1 of my greatest epiphanies), OLD SCHOOL (It's glorious! It's glorious!...I see Blue!) WALK THE LINE, THE BLUES BROTHERS ("We're on a mission from God"),THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY; Animal House, and Dodge Ball, plus a ton more.
I almost never watch tv b/c well...I have a life kids, but when I do it's "Scrubs," "CSI," "Sex and the City," and occasionally, "Will and Grace"...sometimes Adult Swim but I've been bored with it lately...o, and on insomniac nights: M.A.S.H. again, father daughter thing.
Interview with the Vampire, The DaVinci Code, Out of the Dust, 1984, Their Eyes were Watching God, Fat!So?, He's Just Not That Into You, Be Honest You're Just Not That Into Him Either, The Origin of Species by Means of Evolution, The Art of Seduction (better than u think), Not Tonight Honey Wait till I'm a Size 6, The Odyssy, Julius Ceaser, Fallen Angels, Madea's Uninhibited Commentaries on Love and Life, a lot of running and pilates books along 'how to' as well.
My dad, for reasons that are hard to understand even for me, Hah! God, Jimmy Buffet, Sandra, Brock, Amanda, Natalie, Chris (both of you), Ben, Thomas and Lou(MUAH!)