Randy profile picture


All experience is an arch wherethrough gleams that untravelled world whose margin fades for ever and

About Me

Today, while walking to my car I tripped on a crack in the sidewalk, so I stopped and glared at the crack as if IT did something wrong.
I like to frolic in the Autumn Mist. I love to travel on boats with billowed sails. I am a big old rascal who loves caves and lives by the sea. I was born in Honalee and my best friend was Little Jackie Paper.
I still own a Michael Jackson "Beat It" Zipper jacket, and sometimes when I am feeling sassy I will wear it when I go grocery shopping at HEB.
Recently, I had to go into the hardware store after emasculating myself by getting excited about the upcoming Sex and the City Movie due out in May. I had to buy three wrenches and a hammer before my nuts began to grow back. Big and Carrie better get married or I am going to be pissed. Shit, my left nut just fell off again.
I get scared to drive after leaving the grocery store ... I mean half the people in there can't drive their shopping cart ... what does that say about their ability to drive a car? Are you one of those people that go down the wrong side of the isle or park their cart in the middle of the isle as you browse for Mac and Cheese? Yeah, I know your type.
I like to sing the lyrics to songs like the A-Team, Sanford and Son, and ER whenever I captivate an audience with my karaoke. Hey, lets see YOU try to sing those songs!!
I am singlehandedly trying to bring back into style the sweater-vest, parachute-pants, and any other hyphenated clothing garments.
I always tip people at Sonic, but I am bitter about it because I know they get more than minimum wage; moreover, they hold that damn mint as a hostage for ransom. Try not tipping those red-and-black clad crooks and ask for that mint, you would have better luck getting a steak bone away from a rabid dog in heat.
I still wear Dallas Cowboys terry cloth p.j.'s (with those scruffy white foot bottoms) to bed. I know I know, you're not cool enough to wear them ... don't hate!
I think I want to get inked up. What should I get tatted on my bod??? I know!! I want to get a tattoo of someone getting a tattoo removed.
After some soul searching and self analyzation I have come to the realization that I am a born again Jehovah's Witness. I have shaved my head and I can now speak in tongues in a number of different languages. Since my conversion I can be found at Starbucks writing, “Tongues for Dummies” and “The Jehovah's Witness Guide to Playing the Tamberine”, books in my spare time. Ok that's a lie and I can't back it up, but I would love to have an excuse to play the tamberine and wear those cool orange robes ... maybe I can be a Buddhist Monk!!! Afterall, they get the orange robe, sweet sandles, and I can whip out all those cool and wise sayings at the drop of a hat ... but damn, they don't get tamberines. I don't know .... decisions decisions.

My Interests

Square Dancing, 4 Square, Tying Square Knots, 2 Square, Square Roots, Spunge Bob Square Pants

I'd like to meet:

Sugar is ready to play Frisbee!

Kiah shows her how it is done!


I am into a Polka phase right now so if you know any good Polka Bands playing around SA give me a heads up.


I like going to movies when I am sick with a cold or flu just to see how many people I can get to move away from me with extended fits of sneezing and coughing. Opening nights are great for this.


I rarely watch Television because I think it is a waste of time; therefore, I only watch LOST, 24, Battle Star Galactica, All Re-Runs of (Friends, MASH, A-Team, Hawaii Five-0, Andy Griffith Show, Happy Days, Laverne and Shirly, Saturday Night Live), Oprah, CNN, Food Network, All of the HBO Shows, Any type of sporting event on TV, History Channel, CSPAN, ESPN News, ... like I said TV is a waste of time so this was sort of hard to fill in.


Too busy not watching TV to read books.


Ned Nederlander, Dusty Bottoms and Lucky Day

Anyone who won't go into the 10 item express lane with 11 or more items.

My Blog

1979 ... and a political rant

Can anyone remember the last year of the 70's?  Saddam Hussein became president of Iraq and was considered a friend to the our interests, the Shah of Iran fled the country and Ayatollah Khomeini ...
Posted by Randy on Thu, 30 Oct 2008 03:30:00 PST

Why oh why couldnt he have run for ...

President.  For the last 10 years I had hoped that Colin Powell would run for President.  He has been the one person whom I most admired in Washington.  His political acumen is leg...
Posted by Randy on Sun, 19 Oct 2008 01:23:00 PST


I wish you could put a price tag on friendship.  If you could I would be an extraordinarily wealthy man.  I am a nostalgic person, and I often trace the footsteps of my life, which trav...
Posted by Randy on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 09:47:00 PST

You live and if you are lucky, you learn ...

So often we tend to get caught up in the drama of the moment.  We as a society have tunnel vision when it comes to our own little worlds, which in most cases will actually hinder us rather than h...
Posted by Randy on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 03:14:00 PST

Dallas ...

Well the early excitement of buying my dream house and moving a little north has diminished and the reality of the situation has fully set in.  Yesterday I placed my house; rather, my home under ...
Posted by Randy on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 05:25:00 PST

Presidential Elections Oh My!

What to do, what to do.  If you are like me then you have been keeping a careful watch on the Candidates for the upcoming Presidential Election.  I tend to define my politics as middle of th...
Posted by Randy on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 03:25:00 PST

Thanks President Bush!!!!!

Thanks Mr. Bush!!  Today, I felt compelled to tell the President, thank you, for doing an absolutely wonderful job of managing the interests of our fine country during his term of office. &n...
Posted by Randy on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 06:29:00 PST

A Possible Move To Dallas ...

This is my 20th Anniversary of living in San Antonio, but unfortunately I am in a situation where I may be forced to say goodbye to a very charming city.  I have watched the city mature and grow ...
Posted by Randy on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 10:05:00 PST

Certainly, Sir.

Would you mind holding this for me for a second?  Certainly, sir.  Sir, I thought to myself ... is my Dad here?  This rather benign exchange made me stop suddenly in my tracks and exam...
Posted by Randy on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 09:47:00 PST

Birthday Bash!

Don't forget that next Saturday is the double birthday bash for Jeremy (7th) and I (10th)!  It is a theme party, Golf Pro's and Tennis Ho's or Golf Ho's and Tennis Pro's, whichever suites yo...
Posted by Randy on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 11:33:00 PST