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I am: Funny, sensitive, smart (my grades can prove this since my actions don't always), caring, honest, adventurous, dependable (sounds like a used car), fun-loving, fiercely loyal to those close to me; forgiving... even when you don't deserve it, strong-willed, stubborn, entertaining, way too trusting, mentally stable ( for the most part, anyway!), close to my family, a wild child at heart, and.... a bit of a princess.
Things I don't like: Cupboard doors and drawers left open; getting blisters from new shoes; mind games... ESPECIALLY when they are done by people who claim to love you; when there is no toilet paper in the stall; when you have to go clear into the other lane to get around bicyclists; having to sit next to really fat people on the airplane; hair in the shower drain; commercials; men who walk around without shirts on and they are NOT at the beach; cafe mochas that aren't hot enough (unless, of course, they are iced mochas); water rings on furniture; telemarketers and Jehovah Witness's that can't take "NO" for an answer; when my gas tank is on "Empty"; stalkers/harassers; having the sheets tucked in at the foot of the bed so I can't move my feet; uncomfortable undies; false advertising; when the handle breaks on a grocery bag; people who talk on their cell phones in inappropriate places; when Echo lays on my keyboard; the scum that collects around the sink drain; waking up at 2am to let the dog out; people who don't like cats; snotty people (what makes them think they are so much better than the rest of us??); lost luggage (especially on a direct flight!); stubbing my toe; stepping in cat or dog puke barefoot; when my jeans shrink and end up too short.......
If you cannot handle me at my worst, then you do not deserve me at my best!
One of Noah's favorite things to do!
Lilah, Echo & Bullet!
You Are 40% Weird
Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!
How Weird Are You?
Things I enjoy: Family and friends; meeting new people and listening to their stories; laughing and having fun; skiing (nordic and alpine); laying on a beach; snuggling up with someone and watching a movie; window shopping; Lucky Charms cereal; buying art at art festivals; traveling; hiking and exploring with Noah; poking around in campfires with sticks (yeah, I've heard all the warnings about "play with the campfire and you'll wet the bed"... but I believe it's just a myth); thai food; laying in big, open fields and watching the clouds; chocolate covered Oreo's; dancing in a great club; bowling; wearing my favorite jeans; dogs (puppies are exhausting!); driving myself crazy trying to complete a Sudoku puzzle; tulips are my favorite flower; Skittles and chewy Sweet Tarts; digging my toes in mud along a river bank; taking naps; lemonade; driving a Jeep with the top off and my dog in the passenger seat (we look really cool!); checking out new restaurants... and returning to old favorites; rollerblading; dressing up and going someplace nice for dinner or to a show... or both; art museums; movie theatres; being on the water; taking pictures; sunflowers; my flip-flops; open air concerts; dancing (did I already say this??); drinking wine (Frog's Leap is the best!! And my new favorite is Twisted Oak.)... or sometimes a beer (Coors Light, Baby!!); beach bar-b-ques or patio bar-b-ques with friends; laying in a hammock; running on a beach; sleeping in on weekends; Pomegranate Martinis; bubble baths; my antique bed; the coffee house with my book on a rainy day; massages... giving and getting; pizza; down comforters; the color pink; decorating; S'mores made in toaster ovens; going to the gym (even though I whine about it all day. Maybe I should just start going in the morning!); writing love letters; romance; being wild, crazy and unpredictable once in awhile; being on the back of a motorcyle if it's someone I trust; getting hugs & kisses and "I love you Mommy" from Noah; having fresh flowers in my house; snuggling with my cats; a good cup of chai... and, of course, cafe mochas; horseback riding; buying new shoes; soft, silky sheets; wearing high heels.....
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