hope !? profile picture

hope !?

maybe I don't have a choice .. and maybe that is all I have

About Me

... perfectly hiding the monster behind a lot of nonsense-talking and joking

My Interests

reading - writing - understanding ( i..m still waiting for it to happen.. )- listening ( it rarely happens that i meet someone who has something interesting too say anyway ) - watching ( but sometimes i wish i could look away )- dreaming - running ( away ) - standing ( still ) - turning ( away / around / into ) - fading - flashing ( up ) - glowing - screaming - crying - laughing - kissing - hiding


NIN - curve - placebo - 30STM - hanin ( bringing me back on track )- u2 - boa - mission - timid tiger - shock therapy - marillion - new order - depeche mode - verve - cocteau twins ( gerade erst wiederentdeckt ) - everything that makes my heart stumble or pound faster ..


lately seen: spiderman 3 ( 5/10 )on the list: zodiac, stardust, stirb langsam 4.0


too much..


currently reading: michel birbaek - beziehungswaise (11/10) hunter s. thompson - gonzo-generationon the list: **there & back again: lost souls - poppy z. brite byron - benita eisler was mich fertig macht ist nicht das leben sondern die tage dazwischen - michel birbaek herr der ringe - tolkien die elfen von new york - martin millar nirgendwo & hormone - selim özdogan guru - andrea de carlo die lichtung - jean hegland griffin & sabin - nick bantock mac best - terry pratchett lords & ladies - terry pratchett total verhext - terry pratchett wachen! wachen! - terry pratchett äh... every pratchett um genau zu sein *hüst*


they dont exist anymore..