Hello everyone! Laila herself is back on myspace!!So im gonna make it a little different this time and ask my loverly friend becky to describe me and tell you everything she knows about me! After all, its her who set this whole thing up.. so if you like it, all kudos to Becky :)So, this is becky - i think only one word is needed to describe laila and tht is laughter cos if u r in a 50 metre radius of lai im pretty sure u will hear her coming hahaha. I've known laila for quite a few years now since started in year 7 but im convined we hav only really been friends for just over a year but laila wont except this and beleives we hav always been friends but no out friendship only started since we took on gold d of e together last summer which we just bout survived. in the past year we hav enjoyed many funny experiances together such as mad night in april where we went on road trip to three differen parties in one nite and our maths lessons together were always hysterical - well maybe not for me cos i was always the one to be blamed wen ever we were talking even thouhg she was always louder and would attack me with her pens. also who can forget west wales and the dancing (5678....5678.....5678)
neway for now tht is enough funny stories but i will add to this at another time.......
This layout is from whateverlife.com!