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The Black Cotton Foundation

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"Black Cotton: The Symbol of Unrewarded Struggle" -Tupac ShakurJust what is Black Cotton Entertainment all about? Are we like other promotion and entertainment companies, who promote and produce events just to be in the limelight and make a "quick buck," or is it something else - something more? Well, Black Cotton Entertainment is not only a promotion and production company in the traditional sense; it is more than that. Black Cotton Entertainment represents a lifelong history of our people's struggle for liberation at the grass-roots level. We want our actions to be observed, grasped and respected enough for future generations to learn and understand. Black Cotton Entertainment's mission is to SERVE THE PEOPLE; whether it is through entertainment, education, or just being there for the people who are in need. As we continue to evolve, we will attempt to create events and programs to benefit and serve the needs of the people in our communities. Although this appears to be a daunting task, we KNOW this will be an overwhelming success because of the support given to us by you, the people. Black Cotton Entertainment would love to meet, network, and work with any person or organization that is sincerely interested in improving and solving the problems we are facing in our communities. Nobody is going to straighten out this problem but us, and we have to stop this downward spiral that we appear to be in right now. We want to deal with people, like Brother Malcolm said, "who are interested in getting results, positive results." As we've stated in the introduction, Black Cotton Entertainment is not an ordinary promotion and production company. When it is all said and done, we hope, in our own unique way, to be a continuation of the stories of unrewarded struggle of Nat Turner, of Ida B. Wells, of Malcolm X, of the Black Panther Party, of Angela Davis, and countless other people who put dignity and the people beyond personal gain. In the end, Black Cotton Entertainment will truly be a "representative of the people.""..
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Strictly Positive Individuals!

My Blog

Politics: Are We Really Aware of it?

The official countdown for George W. Bush's last day in the Oval Office has officially begun! People are already planning parties for the future 44th President of this country- I was recently given a ...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Feb 2009 08:48:00 GMT

The Sean Bell Case and The Search For Justice

This morning, while most of you are reading this email, the family of Sean Elijah Bell, their friends, and supporters will be at a Queens courthouse in a quest for something that they have been patien...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 05:45:00 GMT

If You Can't Respect This....

"You're either part of the solution or you're part of the problem."-Dr. Huey P. Newton Pardon me as I go into one of my "Jay-Z tangents:"   "They say they never really miss youTil you're dead or ...
Posted by on Tue, 01 May 2007 16:59:00 GMT

Dear Assata:

Dear Assata: Until recently, I was ignorant to the many issues that confront our communities on a daily basis.  In fact, I did not even know who Assata Shakur was*it was as though my eyes...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 14:30:00 GMT

Dear Comrades

"This is a state of emergency" -Jay-Z, "Show Me What You Got" Dear Comrade: As you know, Black Cotton Entertainment has developed into a community-oriented organization that sponsors and hosts events ...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 13:28:00 GMT

Fred Hampton: A True Revolutionary

Fred Hampton: "A Revolutionary"   "You can't kill me, I'll live forever through these words"  - Jay-Z: "Threat"   December 4, 2005 will always be, personally, a special day for...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 06:22:00 GMT

Dear Malcolm-

Dear Malcolm- I know that writing you a letter may seem crazy, especially since you've been gone from us for over forty years. However, our people are in need of some of your guidance right now, for w...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 02:43:00 GMT

Will The Real Women of Color Please Stand Up

The month of March is known as "Women's History Month," which is a time to reflect and honor the great women who have made a tremendous impact in our society, and to appreciate the continuous struggle...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Mar 2006 00:15:00 GMT